I would rather have a cat or dog than some germ filled kid all over my stuff. Funny story: I used to work with a woman who made cookies to sell at various places and she would post photos of the cookie process on her Facebook page. Then she had another page of her kid growing up starting when they were just born. She would show pictures of a naked baby being changed right on the same counter as the cookies. Now that grossed me out but from the on we called here cookies baby butt cookies.
I worry more about what's on people's hands and what they breathe on than using the edge of the counter to prop up a dog for a few seconds. A wipe will take care of the counter.
I love my dogs completely... but my dogs do not get up on my furniture... do not get on or in my bed... PERIOD. They learn that right away.. of course they all jumped up on the furniture a few times but learned that is a no no. Now they just KNOW. I could not stand a cat or a dog on my counters. I am not a clean freak or a germ freak.. I think it is just common sense that animals do not belong there.
@Pook I so agree. I want to puke everytime i see people sit their kids especially in diapers on a kitchen counter or fast food restaurant counter like mcdonalds. So so gross and inconsiderate.
Much ado about nothing. It is his house, his counter, and his choice to show the dog. And I agree that soap and water or bleach or something similar will remove the potential harm. Personally, many people gross me out more than pets.