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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

@Love my grandkids. Who is Caroline?
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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

@Teddixat  Am guessing Carolyn Gracie.

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

@Janey2yes -  and lots of retail research tells them plenty of shoppers like to belong;  people want to belong somewhere -- to families school groups, fan clubs, etc. and certainly we see here that plenty of viewers have favorite hosts and favorite vendors.  If they want to, the companies can program to know that about all of us, I assume.



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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

Nope--not here--

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

I love Leah - she is my favorite host and, if I watch one show consistently on the Q, it’s AM Style on Saturday. That being said, she commented that she was going to buy the Isaac lace pants they were still trying to get rid of - the ones that were both a TSV and, earlier this week, a QVC2 Big Deal. Had she really intended to buy the pants, she had multiple other opportunities to do so, before they were having their “final” encore showing of the Big Deal on her show.

Still love her - she’s doing her job and maybe she meant it (she looked good in the tall white pair she was wearing.) But, I still agree that it is a selling technique.
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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

I agree, it's a selling tactic.

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

What a petty thing to complain about.

If it's so petty, why are you even bothering to make a comment?

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

It's fine with me if a host likes something and buys it. However, that doesn't influence my purchasing habits.

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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

 I have my favorite hosts, and am sometimes influenced to buy based on their detailed recommendations. Whether they make, or claim to make a purchase is a non-issue for me. I'm much more interested in the product.😁


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Re: Do we care what hosts have bought before a show or what they want to buy?

Of course it's a sales tactic.


LR did it regularly--with the added, Darn, my [insert size, color, etc.] sold out. 


Many hosts do that, and no one believes they're planning on buying all of this merchandise. It's just something they say, and it's amusing!


When Mary Beth Roe was hawking Stuffin' Gourmet products, did anyone really believe her when she said that "[her] neighbors all showed up at the door" after she heated them up in the oven? 


LOL C'mon!



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