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Saying that many are wearing their pants too tight does not make a person a prude.   It's a matter of  having some respect for yourself. 








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This is interesting.  No, no dress code is needed at QVC.  I was just starting college when we were "allowed" to wear jeans to College classes (embroidered no less) and those stretchy pull on tops with little sleeves that just touched the top of the jeans.  I loved them, and remember hot pants?  I loved those too, nice and short without being a dress.  And yeah, dresses were s-h-o-r-t!!  I had quite a few of those dresses.  Loved them too.  But I never loved anything tight, still don't.  Remember the young men wearing the tightest pants you've ever seen??  Super tight all the way down to their ankles thanks to the Rockers of the time, Beatles, Stones, Cream, etc.  I was always just slightly more conservative than what was happening.  


Just saying that we all are a product of our upbringing, our "time" and our environment.  While I might not care if QVC has models showing whatever or having their clothes too tight, I can definitely say I won't buy it at my age based on how it looks to me on TV, and that's probably all QVC cares about.




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@Trinity11 wrote:

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@ajsidney12 wrote:

@kaydee50  As a self respecting, independent, educated working mom and wife I am glad it is not 1953! Surely you cannot be serious. A woman could not buy a car or house without "a man", because you could not have a stupid checking account without "a man". Let's get with it.  I am not wearing a house dress, a going to town dress, church dress, dinner dress, gloves, stockings and heels. Women can wear what they want, Thank God.  Why don't people complain about what men wear, hummm?  


Go to the modern workplace, maybe not the large corporate Fortune 500 America but in general business dress reflects our everyday life.  So if people do not like what is worn on air, don't watch and don't buy.

@ajsidney12  - I was not aware that a female could not purchase a car or open a checking account without a man in the 50's!  Omg -  I had no idea!  

In New York that was not the case @San Antonio Gal . My husband's aunt was a banker and never married. She had many accounts and bought her own home and cars back in the 50's. My mom brought me with her weekly to deposit $$$ in her accounts teaching me that a woman should always have her own money. My grandmother from Dublin, Ireland was the same. And I learned very young that if there is a will there is a way..🌸

I would like to add that was not the case in CA either. I think there were some financial institutions that were restrictive. But, to be honest, it was difficult to establish credit with if you were young, male or female. However, I also had a mom that taught financial independence to her daughters and many female relatives who weren't married and went it alone. It was definitely possible. I always cringe when historians rewrite history. 

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@Mombo1 wrote:

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

I'm not in favor of a dress code and I'm not a pearl clutcher. However, I have one pet peeve and that is when the pants are so tight that they have 🐪🦶. I feel that It is disrespectful to the models. Am I wrong ?

@QVCkitty1    That's funny....but I have to agree.  Hard to "un-see".   👀

That goes for the men too!   Except it's a different package.   

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Reading through the comments about women's lives in the 40s & 50's it's overlooked that back then many only paid cash for what they wanted to purchase.  Loans were not even considered.  They saved up to buy a car or a house or maybe got a land contract with the owner to buy a home & it was then paid off in a couple years.


My late Mom, who would have been 95 this year, didn't get married until she was 30.  She had a job she enjoyed, her own apartment, a new car, & took care of her Mother.  And she was proud to do it without a man's financial support.  I'm sure we all have proud women in our families that did the same in the 50's.  




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I still believe in dignity.  I think the way you express that in clothing says a lot about what you think of yourself.  

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@NYwoman wrote:

@Mombo1 wrote:

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

I'm not in favor of a dress code and I'm not a pearl clutcher. However, I have one pet peeve and that is when the pants are so tight that they have 🐪🦶. I feel that It is disrespectful to the models. Am I wrong ?

@QVCkitty1    That's funny....but I have to agree.  Hard to "un-see".   👀

That goes for the men too!   Except it's a different package.   

@NYwoman , Exactly, the whole word doesn't have to be your gynecologist !

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@jubilant wrote:

I still believe in dignity.  I think the way you express that in clothing says a lot about what you think of yourself.  

I think dignity is lost when a woman is made to feel she has to wear a certain type of clothing and not allowed to think for herself!!!  I am and always have been confident in who I am and what I like and choose to wear!  It is those who have given in to the antiquated myth of dressing to cover their body and wearing only certain types of conservative clothing have no confidence thus loosing dignity by not being themselves!!  Dignity is when you are yourself and have the confidence to wear what you like and are comfortable in!!!  Also, there is no dignity in being so judgemental on what anyone else wears!!  Who a person is has nothing to do with clothing choices!!

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Quote from Management Study Guide.


"Clothes reflect who you are, how you feel at the moment and sometimes even what you want to achieve in life? Always remember whatever you wear should reflect the real you. Your dressing sense reflects your personality, character, mood, style and what actually you are as an individual."


Quote from PsychReel.


"Clothes show a lot about you! People who are sport and active may prefer wearing shorter or slimer clothes to allow them to move freely. People who do not like sports and are more introverted or less active and prefer ‘desk work’ may wear skirts or flowy dresses. Similarly, people who are fashionable, pay attention to detail or like to be eye-catching will prefer to wear clothes that are in fashion!"