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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

@wildcat fan wrote:

@febe1 wrote:

@ValuSkr wrote:

@blackhole99 wrote:

No doubt these posters are just voyeurs and really don't care to come out of the shadows very often.

I don't think "voyeur" is the right word but can't think of what it should be.  Maybe they're lurkers.

I agree. People who just read and don't post shouldn't be looked at with negativism. There's nothing wrong with just reading. Many people take time to feel comfortable with joining.

I don't think anyone here is looking negatively at people who read and don't post often.


I think for some the issue is with those who have multiple usernames.  

Yes, I understood that, @wildcat fan. My point was to the words voyeur and lurker. Neither word would imply a troll with "multiple usernames."

Myself, I know there are always posters who like to change their nic, and I'm sure those familiar with them can recognize. It's very difficult to change your writing style, word usage, thought process and hide opinions.

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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

Just a FYI - of the 40 posts in the Suggestion Box forum, over half are currently (at the time I'm writing) started by new posters (whose names are not yet - as of this writing - in bold, indicating brand new joining). That's a fairly hefty percentage.  Almost half of those threads are bashing threads, two at least having been removed, including bashing of hosts that theoretically, a new poster probably wouldn't even know. JMO, but I find it odd that a brand new poster makes their first post(s) about how much a specific host disgusts them or how much they dislike this or that about QVC, in very rude terms. Hi, I hate X?


Maybe just start to notice a bit.

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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

I have noticed and have a working theory......wish we could do PMs. 

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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

I say "welcome" to the new posters!   We all had to start somewhere, and it's always scarey to be new - especially when the "old" posters are so quick to jump on anything a newbie says.


I was new once.  On one of my very first posts, I was ridiculed and put down so much that I left these boards for over 2 years.  When I returned, I "lurked" for another year or two before I posted again.  I guess my skin finally got thick enough to become a regular poster.


Also, during one of the Q website's updates a few years ago, some of our registration dates got accidentally changed to the date of the update.  



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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

@Citrine1 wrote:

Yes, I noticed a bunch of "new" posters.  Didn't notice the registration dates, but I've seen a lot of new nics with very few posts.  Sometimes you see a bunch -- one right after the other -- in a thread.  That always strikes me as odd.  


When I first registered, it took awhile for me to get my feet wet and feel comfortable posting. Also I found there were a lot of rules to follow, symbols across the top I didn't understand how to use (& am still learning), a snarky remark that scared me off for awhile. There are many reasons for the lapses in time.


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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

Welcome Regal View!

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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

I would encourage all new posters (on their first or second post), to let us know they're new so we can welcome them properly into this insane group of mismatched, but tightly woven & supportive group. 

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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

I pay attention to who's missing.  LOL

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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

Aaaaaand whaddaya know - more newbies and yet more host bashes in Q Talk as well.


Statistics-wise, over the past week, this has to say something.

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Re: Anybody Notice a Sudden Influx of "New" Posters?

Oh good grief.  No.  I do not take this board so seriously that I know or more importantly care who is new and who isn'