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Seems like I see constant complaints about various types of domestic and wildlife intruding into peoples' yards and gardens.  This may be a solution. 


Today on Zulily under the heading of "X Hose" they have featured a sprinkler with a motion detector.  Animal enters yard within 30ft of the sensor and it gets a harmless squirt from the sprinkler.  This ought to at least deter a cat.  It's $22.00+change.  It may keep the peace in some neighborhoods. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624: I'm sorry to tell you that, but WE are the invaders. With the increasing human population, people are building houses into wildlife territory. Don't blame the animals, blame people for making houses in places they don't belong.

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@Margui  I don't think humans are digging and pooping in peoples' flower beds.  Get real; this is a big problem for some people. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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With the heat where I live, they would love a squirt!

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@Kachina624 ~ Hi, and thank you for the suggestion!  A friend bought me one last year, the problem is the cats are mainly in the front of the house.  I rarely see one in back (although it has happened).  I have to remember to shut it off before the mail lady or UPS guy comes around.  The mail lady cuts across the lawns instead of using the sidewalk and I don't want her to get splashed.  I'm going to take a look at the one you wrote about ~ it might have a better spraying radius and I could at least use it in the mornings.  Thanks again!  (I know you feel my pain, lol)!

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@Margui ~ I totally agree with you ~ the problem we are having is in fact caused by humans.  I have several neighbors that let their cats out to roam everyday.  One neighbor in particular never lets them in the house.  The other critters ~ squirrels, opposums, shrews, etc don't bother me a bit.  As a matter of fact, it's the little ones including the birds I am trying to protect.  :-) 

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We live in the middle of a group of houses out in the NC countryside. A neighbor a few houses down won two roosters in a poker game. They fought, and "somehow" one got loose and has been wandering thru 3 yards for almost two weeks. Most of the ladies like him but a few of the men are ready to shoot him...the owner offered to. 


He's a Cubalaya and I haven't heard him at all today. And I miss him. Google search indcates it's a breed that "noisly forages on grass and bugs"Capture.JPG

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@Julie928  I'd let it squirt anybody such as meter readers, mail persons etc if they trail through my yard - landscaped or not.  And our's is very landscaped yet I have caught meter readers try to cut through to the next house.  Yes I've told them to use the steps and sidewalk (afterall that's why we have both!).  They can't get through my yard to the next but they sure try. I cannot stand anyone I see walking through anyone's yard. 

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I once had a neighbor, not real close, who had a rooster.  I kind of liked hearing him crow early in the morning.  I was at a feed store getting dog food a couple years ago.  They had a rooster for sale in a cage in front.  The clerk tried her best to sell me that rooster.  He didn't shut up the whole time I was there. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624: Thank you, & thank you, again!Woman Wink