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I need to vent. 


Yes another unleash dog story BUT there's no aggression with either dog. It's all about my neighbor and her bad habit of leaving her 15 lb doggie out, with no leash.


When I run into her with either of my Cavaliers, her dog likes to socialize with my little ones and that's fine. BUT when she's just out in her yard, her pup isn't leashed and comes running over to start the sniffing of my dog all the time! He's still,a dog, he's unleashed and I want him AWAY from my dogs.


Tonight..... it could have been bad. I had crossed the street to go into our little park and I hear dog tags clanging. I turn and there's her dog, just running across the street while she's in her front yard 4 houses down! I stopped our walk to try and get her attention...finally she realizes he's crossed the street.


i yelled down the street and said GET THIS DOG LEASHED and walked away. For petes sake, he could have been hit by a car. Granted it's a residential area, but there's a curve and you don't get a clear view until it's too late. Some people shouldn't have dogs....


Thank you...just HAD to vent, I'm still mad at her carelessness 





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If you have a local animal control office, call them. Maybe if the dog is picked up and neighbor has to pay a fine, she will pay more attention. 

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I agree, it is careless, and thereby wrong, as the dog's life could be at stake.  We feel responsible.


I'd let the chips fall.  There is only so much we can control - it sounds like you are mindful of your pets, and this person doesn't see the difference.


I would be frustrated over the continued intrusion of the dog in your yard (as I am over "unleashed" cats in mine).  Continue to let this person know it is unwelcome; that would be my approach, though of course you may think otherwise.

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@Mustang Shar   yes... this irks me to no end.  Just the other day I was coming home from a dog walk and my next door neighbor  was outside and her dog was loose( he always is).  Now this is a very sweet dog, but, my male dog on leash just did not like him coming up and sniffing him... so my dog snarled at him and went at him.. The other dog walked away, but, the situation was upsetting to me as I do not like my dog getting upset.  


Many times out on my walk people are with their dogs walking  OFF LEASH!!!  Their dogs have run across the street to attack my leashed dog.... I have mace and have used it on these dogs. I do not care what the owner says. I yell LEASH YOU DOG!.  Mace is something you may want to use ... it is not neighborly  I guess, but your neighbor letting her dog loose is not neighborly either.  

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@Mustang Shar I understand what you're saying.  I can't tell you how many times I've had unleashed dogs run up to my dog and I on walks. They'll  say "he's friendly" as if that makes it ok. My dog doesn't like other dogs and gets upset when accosted like that. Alot of ignorant pet owners out there. I don't even walk my tiny dog at all just the larger one.Afraid the 10lb. dog would be hurt or killed. 

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Re: Neighbor -UNLEASHED

[ Edited ]

This is one of my pet peeves with dog owners. If for no other reason, you should leash your dog for its' protection but there are a million other OBVIOUS reasons to leash your dog! I can't stand it.


I work with alot of dogs and we have a clear policy that all dogs must be leashed up until they get to the pool (there are gates to close behind you so your dog can't run freely around the complex) and yet people still let their dogs just run inside without a leash. It is so rude and can cause some serious problems because not all dogs are friendly towards other dogs!!  


Do you know how many dogs we hear about that get hit by cars because their owner lets them run loose and they are shocked because their dog usually stays in the yard (supposedly, according to them)? regardless of how well-behaved you think your dog is, it only takes one time, ONCE, for the dog to be spurred by something and cause it to run out in the road and get hit. A well behaved dog is still a dog, still an animal with natural instincts that aren't always supressed even with training. 


I wish people who don't do everything they can to protect their dogs (and protect others from their dogs) wouldn't own dogs. 

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Mustang Shar   yes... this irks me to no end.  Just the other day I was coming home from a dog walk and my next door neighbor  was outside and her dog was loose( he always is).  Now this is a very sweet dog, but, my male dog on leash just did not like him coming up and sniffing him... so my dog snarled at him and went at him.. The other dog walked away, but, the situation was upsetting to me as I do not like my dog getting upset.  


Many times out on my walk people are with their dogs walking  OFF LEASH!!!  Their dogs have run across the street to attack my leashed dog.... I have mace and have used it on these dogs. I do not care what the owner says. I yell LEASH YOU DOG!.  Mace is something you may want to use ... it is not neighborly  I guess, but your neighbor letting her dog loose is not neighborly either.  

@SeaMaiden I totally feel you on this! One of my dogs is really old and he isn't as steady on his feet like he used to be so he feels really vulnerable around other animals (or hyper kids) because  of this. So it is no longer ok for random dogs to run up to him unencumbered. I've gotten to the point where I will step in front of a dog running up to my dog to protect my dog. Not the smartest thing for me, I know, but I want him to be protected and don't want him to lash out either to protect himself. It is so incredibly irresponsible of these dog "owners" to allow this to happen. And they will yelll "it's okay because my dog is friendly" and I will yell back "no, it isn't okay because you have no idea if MY dog is friendly!" UGH!!

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@MoJoV wrote:

@Mustang Shar I understand what you're saying.  I can't tell you how many times I've had unleashed dogs run up to my dog and I on walks. They'll  say "he's friendly" as if that makes it ok. My dog doesn't like other dogs and gets upset when accosted like that. Alot of ignorant pet owners out there. I don't even walk my tiny dog at all just the larger one.Afraid the 10lb. dog would be hurt or killed. 

Yes @MoJoV this is so true. Not all dogs like other dogs. It is just that simple! Why people think other dogs will automatically like other dogs or their dogs is ignorance, plain and simple, just like you said. 

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@HappyDaze wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Mustang Shar   yes... this irks me to no end.  Just the other day I was coming home from a dog walk and my next door neighbor  was outside and her dog was loose( he always is).  Now this is a very sweet dog, but, my male dog on leash just did not like him coming up and sniffing him... so my dog snarled at him and went at him.. The other dog walked away, but, the situation was upsetting to me as I do not like my dog getting upset.  


Many times out on my walk people are with their dogs walking  OFF LEASH!!!  Their dogs have run across the street to attack my leashed dog.... I have mace and have used it on these dogs. I do not care what the owner says. I yell LEASH YOU DOG!.  Mace is something you may want to use ... it is not neighborly  I guess, but your neighbor letting her dog loose is not neighborly either.  

@SeaMaiden I totally feel you on this! One of my dogs is really old and he isn't as steady on his feet like he used to be so he feels really vulnerable around other animals (or hyper kids) because  of this. So it is no longer ok for random dogs to run up to him unencumbered. I've gotten to the point where I will step in front of a dog running up to my dog to protect my dog. Not the smartest thing for me, I know, but I want him to be protected and don't want him to lash out either to protect himself. It is so incredibly irresponsible of these dog "owners" to allow this to happen. And they will yelll "it's okay because my dog is friendly" and I will yell back "no, it isn't okay because you have no idea if MY dog is friendly!" UGH!!

@HappyDaze  yes... I have had dog owners say this several times to me when their loose dogs run up ane jump on my dog on leash... I yelled at a man... I DO NOT CARE IF YOUR DOG IS FRIENDLY... I DO NOT WANT HIM JUMPING ON ME. THANKS FOR RUINING MY DAY.  LEASH YOUR DOG.  All he said back was sorry... I felt bad losing my temper but..... it really p's me off!

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Not to derail from OP's thread but another perspective on dogs with other dogs. I've seen plenty of amazingly friendly dogs that get along with all dogs except one. Both dogs are fine with every other dog but get them together and it is like completely different dogs. I don't understand it and it is weird to see two super friendly dogs not get along with each other but it happens more than you think.


No one knows for sure how their dog, regardless of how friendly he/she is, will get along with every other dog out there.