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Registered: ‎08-07-2013

@cerb wrote:

I hope you don't mind if I add a vent to your thread about keeping dogs on leashes.  We live on 3 acres of land, and it is quite clearly private property.  One day I saw a couple walking down our long driveway (trespassing) with their dog on a leash.  When they reached the bottom of the driveway, they took their dog off it's leash and then watched, pointing and laughing as their dog ran into our horse's corral, running circles around, and leaping at our horse.  I couldn't believe how stupid these humans were.  At any moment our horse could have been injured, or their dog could have been killed.  And the people were laughing!!!  I yelled at the people (politely, if I do say so myself) to get their dog back on it's leash.  It took them 5 minutes to catch their dog, and then they slowly strolled back up our driveway to the road as though nothing had happened. 


Seriously??? What is wrong with people?  That's when we put electric gates across our driveway and posted big, unfriendly no trespassing signs.  

@cerb wrote:

I hope you don't mind if I add a vent to your thread about keeping dogs on leashes.  We live on 3 acres of land, and it is quite clearly private property.  One day I saw a couple walking down our long driveway (trespassing) with their dog on a leash.  When they reached the bottom of the driveway, they took their dog off it's leash and then watched, pointing and laughing as their dog ran into our horse's corral, running circles around, and leaping at our horse.  I couldn't believe how stupid these humans were.  At any moment our horse could have been injured, or their dog could have been killed.  And the people were laughing!!!  I yelled at the people (politely, if I do say so myself) to get their dog back on it's leash.  It took them 5 minutes to catch their dog, and then they slowly strolled back up our driveway to the road as though nothing had happened. 


Seriously??? What is wrong with people?  That's when we put electric gates across our driveway and posted big, unfriendly no trespassing signs.  

I have two theories, one that they do not think and the other that they do not care and want to see what and how much they can get away with.Woman Frustrated

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Posts: 7,036
Registered: ‎08-07-2013

Re: Neighbor -UNLEASHED

[ Edited ]

There are a lot of thoughtless people on this earth... its too bad that the poor animals have to suffer because, of them. I have five rescue dogs and I have to have two to three people walk them with me. And I have been stopped many time by stray or collared dogs unleashed. Makes me mad and sad all of the same time. This thread has broken my heart that this animal may be in big trouble one day. His/her hateful master should never be allowed to own a stuffed animal let alone a real living and breathing animal.Woman Sad

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@apple1964 wrote:

There are a lot of thoughtless people on this earth... its too bad that the poor animals have to suffer because, of them. I have five rescue dogs and I have to have two to three people walk them with me. And I have been stopped many time by stray or collared dogs unleashed. Makes me mad and sad all of the same time. This thread has broken my heart that this animal may be in big trouble one day. His/her hateful master should never be allowed to own a stuffed animal let alone a real living and breathing animal.Woman Sad



You are soooooo right! I did not think about my HOA, brilliant! That why I remain anonymous. There is a little dog park for an apartment complex she could use, but I'm thinking maybe shoe doesn't play with him much... I don't get why it's a big deal to take the dog off leash anyway, it's just dangerous.  


Thanks i I will get HOA after her and for the compliment on my babies. Cavaliers are least wolf like of any dog breed and these pups no absolutely no aggression, just love bugs that we protect ❤️





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Posts: 7,036
Registered: ‎08-07-2013

@Mustang Shar wrote:


@apple1964 wrote:

There are a lot of thoughtless people on this earth... its too bad that the poor animals have to suffer because, of them. I have five rescue dogs and I have to have two to three people walk them with me. And I have been stopped many time by stray or collared dogs unleashed. Makes me mad and sad all of the same time. This thread has broken my heart that this animal may be in big trouble one day. His/her hateful master should never be allowed to own a stuffed animal let alone a real living and breathing animal.Woman Sad



You are soooooo right! I did not think about my HOA, brilliant! That why I remain anonymous. There is a little dog park for an apartment complex she could use, but I'm thinking maybe shoe doesn't play with him much... I don't get why it's a big deal to take the dog off leash anyway, it's just dangerous.  


Thanks i I will get HOA after her and for the compliment on my babies. Cavaliers are least wolf like of any dog breed and these pups no absolutely no aggression, just love bugs that we protect ❤️


 Oh yes... do everything possible, this women will get in trouble and you would be perhaps saving this dogs life. It sounds like she wants to get rid of him /her in the worst possible heartless way. Please keep us updated when you can. God bless you for caring.




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@Mustang Shar wrote:

Gotta love you all, thank you for your responses. Today, I'm looking out back to see if she's outside and avoiding her and dog.


Yes, I am sick of her dog jumping on my babies! They are animals, unpredictable and must be leashed. He never listens to her when she's yelling, "Come " he could care less!


My pups don't like being jumped. 




@Mustang Shar


Just had to tell you (as if you don't already know, LOL!) that your pups are precious!Heart

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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I see that in my townhome community a lot.  People seem to think they are cooler pet parents not use a leash or they want to believe their dog is remarkable and unlike all the other dogs required by our leash laws to be leashed THEIR dog does not need one.


It is unsafe for the dog because all it takes is one rabbit or another dog to spook the dog and they can run off or run out in front of a car.  Or that good dog may decide to bite a child out of the blue.  Animals are unpredictable.  


We have these young couples let their dog run around in the back of the townhomes in people's private yards, take a dump, and then one of them walks around in a half a** attempt with a plastic bag to gather the droppings but half the time cannot find it and leaves it for us to step in.  One guy in the row behind me had his dog on my lawn and there was 8 inches of snow and he was on his deck - you mean to tell me he was going to trek over here in the snow and clean up?  I asked if it was his dog and said I did not want to be bitten by his unattended dog or have to clean up his mess.  I mentioned the leash law.  He said the dog was on "an electronic leash" - but that still does not satisfy the leash laws and if it was my pet I would not trust it (not to be confused with electronic fences which are compliant).

Super Contributor
Posts: 456
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I hope you don't mind if I add a vent to your thread about keeping dogs on leashes.  We live on 3 acres of land, and it is quite clearly private property.  One day I saw a couple walking down our long driveway (trespassing) with their dog on a leash.  When they reached the bottom of the driveway, they took their dog off it's leash and then watched, pointing and laughing as their dog ran into our horse's corral, running circles around, and leaping 


Wow this takes the dumb cake.  First a horse can be very dangerous if upset.  Second it is thoughtless and cruel to invade the horse's area and upset him.  I guess they didn't care as it was all about "them".  But I bet if the horse hurt them while they were gathering their dog they would be the first to get a lawyer.  Ugh!

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Posts: 16,837
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Tukey wrote:

I see that in my townhome community a lot.  People seem to think they are cooler pet parents not use a leash or they want to believe their dog is remarkable and unlike all the other dogs required by our leash laws to be leashed THEIR dog does not need one.


It is unsafe for the dog because all it takes is one rabbit or another dog to spook the dog and they can run off or run out in front of a car.  Or that good dog may decide to bite a child out of the blue.  Animals are unpredictable.  


We have these young couples let their dog run around in the back of the townhomes in people's private yards, take a dump, and then one of them walks around in a half a** attempt with a plastic bag to gather the droppings but half the time cannot find it and leaves it for us to step in.  One guy in the row behind me had his dog on my lawn and there was 8 inches of snow and he was on his deck - you mean to tell me he was going to trek over here in the snow and clean up?  I asked if it was his dog and said I did not want to be bitten by his unattended dog or have to clean up his mess.  I mentioned the leash law.  He said the dog was on "an electronic leash" - but that still does not satisfy the leash laws and if it was my pet I would not trust it (not to be confused with electronic fences which are compliant).

@Tukey  I didn't know what an electronic leash was, so I looked it up.  I don't like shock collars at all.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau