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Re: UpDate On ZaZu's pace maker surgery 8/30/2018

@dex wrote:

Thanks for the update...hope everything works forZaZus best health.What will happen with the heart problem now?Does he need more surgery down the road.I think it is just awful what they put you all through.I pray that he recovers quickly and that you are not feeling responsible for any of his pain. 

@dex  As far as his heart murmur, we do not know what the next course of action will be.  Right now I can not even fathom the thought of any more surgery. We will speak to his cardiologist next week and go from there.  We may end up doing nothing more after putting him through what we did......


Zazu did eat eat a good dinner and looked very excited when I was fixing it for  him so that was nice!🤗🙂🙂

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Re: UpDate On ZaZu's pace maker surgery 8/30/2018

@SeaMaiden, Sending lots of (((HUGS))) to Zazu.  I hope the next surgery is a success. 

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Re: UpDate On ZaZu's pace maker surgery 8/30/2018

[ Edited ]

@qvcfreak wrote:

@SeaMaiden, Sending lots of (((HUGS))) to Zazu.  I hope the next surgery is a success. 

@qvcfreak  This was surgery #2 that failed like surgery #1...and I think no more surgery for this dog.  Too cruel to put ANYONE person or pet through two invasive surgeries that accomplished nothing.


 Also $10,000 later.... and dog is not better or fixed.... the money is not important to me... it just bugs me that I ended up with the dog going through so much with no fix.....

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Re: UpDate On ZaZu's pace maker surgery 8/30/2018

I am so sorry that you and ZaZu were put through this kind of incompetence, and at yours and Zazu's expense and pain.  For now, this healing fellow needs all he can muster from you and you must be able to hang in there, keep us all up-to-date on Zazu's progress and the same for you.  We need to know how you are enduring this unfortunate and unnecessary situation!  The best and prayers to you both!

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Re: UpDate On ZaZu's pace maker surgery 8/30/2018

Oh my SeaMaiden ... I've been following ZaZu's story since before he went for his first pacemaker.  One would think the vet would "check their supplies" prior to surgery (if I am understanding their error correctly).   


Glad your boy is home and happy ... some times the heart is stronger than you think (just like my dad with heart failure on Entrestro, maybe there is something for dogs?)


You were also kind enough to give us the insurance co. name you use (I kept that info for my next pet if there is ever one).   The dollar figure you mentioned is what I spent on my one dog, it is tough, but she is our baby like Zazu is to you.  Blessing to both of you.

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Re: UpDate On ZaZu's pace maker surgery 8/30/2018

@SeaMaiden  I just came across this thread!  I am so sorry Zazu had to go through this - not to mention you and your DH. Animals are resilient and don't hold grudges or harbor resentment.  He is with his loved ones and that is all that matters.  I would listen to what the vets have to say about future procedures and weigh the pros and cons of each.  This is still too soon and raw to make major decision.  I believe that things happen for a reason even if we never know what they are.  Yes, there was negligence here and I find it hard to believe that there won't be some sort of apology.  You're a great dog mom and know how to get him healed up from this surgery.  Tomorrow is another day.  These are our babes and it really is a kick to the gut when things happen to them.  I believe that the people working in these hospitals really do care about the animals.  I remember picking up Quincy after he was hospitalized with a problem with his cancer treatment.  He had a big pink lipstick kiss on the top of his head. 


Having said all this, please know that I am praying for your guy for a long healthy life, no matter which path you choose to take.  You are a smart lady and will make the right choice.  When you do, don't ever second guess it.  It will be the right one.

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!