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OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

It was an American Akita and it's HUGE: if it's an ounce un 150 lbs. I'll eat my hat. I had to go pick up my car from getting repaired and there he/she/it was, all sprawled out on the floor, sound asleep.


I just read up on American Akitas and boy, that's one dog I wouldn't want to ****** off!

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Re: OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

@GoneButNotForgotten    They have a reputation for not having really sunny dispositions.  I'm surprised they'd have one hanging out at a business.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

I'm just glad it was asleep and took no notice of me.

On the other hand, it may be so used to being in that kind of environment, and/or been so well trained, that it's not real aggresive. 

But I still would give it a wide berth.

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Re: OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

Akitas are one of the most beautiful dogs to me.  Their features look small for such a big head, but it makes their faces interesting.  They are good dogs with their family.  Most experienced breeders would only recommend them to experienced dog owners who have a big fenced yard or plenty of property for the dog to exercise in.  They don't socialize well outside their family and are not a good choice for a city apartment dweller, who would have to take the dog out in crowded areas with too many people and other dogs around. 

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Re: OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

I'm just glad it was asleep and took no notice of me.

On the other hand, it may be so used to being in that kind of environment, and/or been so well trained, that it's not real aggresive. 

But I still would give it a wide berth.

@GoneButNotForgotten I'm sure the dog was sweet or they wouldn't have wanted the liability.

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Re: OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

Beautiful dogs, but as others have pointed out, they can be aggressive and I would not trust them.  On one occasion they may appear very calm; then with the same person, next encounter, the dog may be aggressive for no apparent reason.  I love dogs and have owned many over the years, but take my word for it, some breeds are unreliable.

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Re: OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

On the other hand, it may be there as a guard dog, if needed.  So it's likely very well-trained.

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Re: OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

Interesting to read comments on Akitas. Our beautiful boy passed away a year ago. He found my daughter at her apartment door in college and he was about a year old.  He was an Akita Inu (Japanese, not American) weighing only 87 pounds.  The sweetest dog to all.  All of  the vets loved him.  A true character.  He lived to be 14.  We had 3 cats  He would romp with our little Maltese and chase the cats.   I miss my baby. 

Not at all like some of you have described Akitas to be. He was loving, playful, mischievous, and loyal. Never aggressive.


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Re: OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

Your post reminded me of a dog that lives in our neighborhood.  I don't know what kind it is, but the first time I saw it, I was scared to death.  I walk early in the moring well before the sun comes up.  I was walking one day and saw this huge monster.  I swear  I thought it was a black bear.  But no, it was the biggest dog I ever saw being walked by its owner.  Scared me to death.

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Re: OMG, I just saw the biggest dog I've ever laid eyes on

@GoneButNotForgotten   Now, this is a big dog.  :-)maxresdefault.jpg...