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Laser lights for cat play -- Opinons?

I just bought one for my cat...she likes chasing the light but gets frustrated because she can't CATCH anything.  Wonder if i should continue using it?  Wonder if she will become bored due to NO actual catch & nothing to tactilely play with. Opinions?

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Re: Laser lights for cat play -- Opinons?

I used to use a penlight flashlight with my cat.  He never tired of chasing the light across the carpet and up the wall.

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Re: Laser lights for cat play -- Opinons?

@LiveLaughLove  Thanks for your reply. 

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Re: Laser lights for cat play -- Opinions?

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Re: Laser lights for cat play -- Opinons?

I actually have a dog, a Sheltie, that loves to chase a light.  I just do it a few minutes so he doesn't become bored with it.  They definitely lose interest if they don't catch anything.

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Re: Laser lights for cat play -- Opinons?

Bubba likes the laser while Grayson sits back and watches him run around. It's good to use before bedtime to wear him down.🐈

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Re: Laser lights for cat play -- Opinons?

[ Edited ]



I read something written by a pet behaviorist about this.  They said not to use laser lights with cats for exactly the reason you mentioned.  The cat needs to be able to eventually have the satisfaction of catching something, and it's too frustrating for them.  I wish I could remember who said this.  It was someone who is well known.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Laser lights for cat play -- Opinons?

My cat likes running after the light & when she finally pounes on the red dot I turn it off & praise her for catching it... she's happy, I'm happy & then it's time to play with her favorite mouse.

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Re: Laser lights for cat play -- Opinons?

@MsCatLuver  I just wanted to add something I found in addition to my previous post.  It was written by a cat behaviorist, Pam Johnson-Bennett:  Cats are tactile creatures and when they pounce on their prey they rely on being able to feel their captured treasure underneath their paws. Cats have carpal whiskers on the underside of their paws (at the wrist) and they use those whiskers to detect movement of prey when they have their paw over it. Imagine doing a great job of stalking and pouncing and repeatedly NEVER feeling as if you’ve successfully captured your intended target. Putting a paw over a laser light is an exercise in frustration.


This was written by Dr. Marty Becker:


But, according to well-known veterinarian, Dr. Marty Becker:

The potential problem with these toys comes because the cat can never “win” the game. Even if a cat catches the dot there’s nothing there. The cat gets all worked up with no resolution — every time. Even in the wild, a hunting cat will catch the prey now and then. But there’s no catching that alluring, fast-moving red dot!

If your cat loves to chase, Dr. Becker recommends using more tangible toys that he can actually catch, as some cats will redirect their frustration in ways that may hurt them or you.


I'm sure I could find more quotes, but I quit looking after posting these two.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Laser lights for cat play -- Opinons?

I used to use it with my cat.  He loved it.  I'd have him run up and down the hall a couple times, then toss him one of his toy mice.