@hoosieroriginal wrote:
@CrazyDaisy wrote:
People are homeless for a number of reasons, many times beyond their control. To assume that they do not love or care for the pets as best they can is just wrong. The alternative is to put all those pets down, is that what you are promoting?
@CrazyDaisy; @SeaMaiden - Say tomorrow you lose everything and you have a dog. Wouldn't you find that dog a home or take it to the shelter to find it a good home knowing you can't feed it? Or would you drag that dog around with you knowing you can't even feed yourself? I saw a young homeless man every day in downtown San Diego. One day he was begging me for money. I offered to take his dog and pay him for it. His response was "no because more people give me money because of the dog". He didn't get a penny from me. I wanted to steal that dog from him, seriously - it was sad.
If you could find your dog a good home, would think you could find yourself someplace to stay. Taking a dog to a shelter is often a desth sentance. So to answer your question, yes i would keep my dog with me and do tne best i could. He would never give up on me, whty would i give up on him.
As far as the man not giving a stranger his dog, would you give your dog to a syranger? And he is probably right, more people may give him more money because he has a dog. He may get enough to feed both of them, he never said he did not care about the dog.
Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.