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Re: Homeless people that have dogs

I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but many of the animals that homeless people have were dogs dumped on the streets in the first place by someone else. 

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Re: Homeless people that have dogs

@MalteseMomma wrote:

for many people shelters are not the safe havens we all think they are.So many rather sleep on the street,where they are minimally safe rather then get raped ,robbed of whatever precious item (to them)  they may have or worse.........


That is why they do not go for help and prefer to live on the "safer "  street!


I once volunteered in  these "safe" shelters in Newark ,N.J.   !  I needed a huge,"black male" (sorry for the reference to "black" but it is true  <3 ) ,bodyguard to walk me out to my car daily!



that is why they prefer the safety of the street!  Wouldn't you?


There is a men's homeless shelter across the street from where I work, it is a whole different world.  They need to leave each morning and return in the evening.  Often the shelter will be full and many are left to sleep in the streets.  It is shame that some believe that this is a choice. 

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Homeless people that have dogs

I saw this on FB and it reminded me of this thread-

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Re: Homeless people that have dogs

@Pearlee wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel wrote:

It's interesting how so many here only seem to care about the dogs and not the homeless people.


Yeah, that would be me.  People have choices they can make for themselves and have free will and also social programs to help them.  Domestic (as opposed to wild) dogs are dependent on people to care for them.   Big difference.  My sympathy lies with the dogs who are at the mercy of people, for certain.

You'd be surprised how little help there is for homeless people in many areas of the country.  And when there are programs, there is usually a waiting list.  Homeless people have nowhere to go when the shelters are full.


As far as choices...when you cannot make enough money to maintain housing, your choices are almost non-existent.  Have you ever tried to apply for a job or assistance without a home address to list on a resume or application?  There are logistics involved in everything.  Getting a job these days requires you to have regular access to a computer, and a phone number for prospective employers to call.  You also have to have a place to shower, clothes for an interview and a way to get to the interview and to work.  And how many people do you think would even hire a person who has no home address?  



I worked at a job where one of my co-workers lost her home and was living in her car.  She spent 16 hours a day at work and then would try to find places to take a shower.  Then she would sleep in her car.  She kept this a secret from our bosses, because she was afraid they would find a reason to fire her if they knew.  Eventually someone told them.  The managers laughed when they found out about her situation, and started to really nitpick her when she would come in without makeup or have greasy hair.  She did the best she could with what she had.  Based on the managers' reactions, I'm positive she never would've been able to get the job if she'd been homeless when she applied.


It isn't until you're in the situation or know someone who is that you understand how easy it would be to wind up homeless, despite your best efforts.  The woman I worked with who was homeless was not a lazy person.  She was always in to work early and leaving late.  And she busted her butt while she was there.


I don't understand why people have such strong opinions about things they don't know much about.  I would implore you and everyone else who has never been homeless to learn more about how people wind up that way and how hard it is to get out of.

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Re: Homeless people that have dogs

[ Edited ]

@mistriTsquirrel  (and others on this thread making a similar argument):  With regard to your statement: "I don't understand why people have such strong opinions about things they don't know much about."


For the same reason people have strong opinions about wars they haven't personally fought in.  People have opinions about issues and probably most have never personally experienced that particular issue.   Their opinions are perfectly valid.  



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Re: Homeless people that have dogs

[ Edited ]

@Pearlee wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel  (and others on this thread making a similar argument):  With regard to your statement: "I don't understand why people have such strong opinions about things they don't know much about."


For the same reason people have strong opinions about wars they haven't personally fought in.  People have opinions about issues and probably most have never personally experienced that particular issue.   Their opinions are perfectly valid.  



Because when people make blanket statements (or have opinions) about an entire population, it is very wrong.  Should not matter if you are Black, Mexican, Muslim or homeless, each is an individual and should be treated as such.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Homeless people that have dogs

@Pearlee wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel  (and others on this thread making a similar argument):  With regard to your statement: "I don't understand why people have such strong opinions about things they don't know much about."


For the same reason people have strong opinions about wars they haven't personally fought in.  People have opinions about issues and probably most have never personally experienced that particular issue.   Their opinions are perfectly valid.  



They're not valid if they're based on falsehoods.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --