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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

@GingerPeach wrote:

Dear @NickNack 


If it hurts this much for us to read, I can only imagine what you are going through.


Frankie is one of us, and I look forward to Monday with hope.





Thank you very much @GingerPeach .

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation



How is Frankie adjusting today?


Sorry I haven't been by earlier. Something is very off with our Frankie and we're trying to figure it out. But our prayers our with your beloved Frankie, too.

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

@Sammycat1   I'm so sorry to hear that something is wrong with your Frankie.  Has she been to the Vet?  I hope she'll be okay.


My Frankie is trying to adjust to being blind.  At times I think she's getting along better than I expected, and other times I feel so sorry for her.  When I have taken her outside today she refuses to walk.  She walks just fine in the house.  I think it may be more scary to be outside and not able to see than it is when she's inside.


I stand right beside her and have her on a leash.  I would think she'd feel secure with me there, so I'm not sure what it is.  She walked around outside with me last night after I brought her home but not today.  She's been using the potty pads.  


I don't want her to start using potty pads though.  She was always so perfectly housetrained. 


Thanks for checking on her when you've got a lot going on with your Frankie.  I do hope everything will be all right with both of our Frankies.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

[ Edited ]



I read your update with tears in my eyes, and an ache in my heart.  Sweet Frankie feels a bit like my own little girl, she has  touched me, as she has many of us. 


Thought a warm 'hot' water bottle might comfort her in her crate.  I have raised rabbits, and such from birth and always keep something warm with them until their eyes opened.


I So wish I had some Good Magic to send to both of you.  But, please believe I send Good Wishes, Light, and Hope. 


Will be thinking of You, Frankie, and Henry, sending nose kissies to both of them.

Please keep us posted as you can. ❤️



"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

[ Edited ]

Thank you @Drythe .  Frankie is no longer staying in the exercise pen.  Since they now are leaning towards thinking that the problem with her legs is related to whatever is causing the seizures and not a disc problem I didn't put her in the exercise bin last night.  I think it would have been terribly confusing for her to have so little space to walk around.  She needed to get acclimated to the house without eyesight.  I took the x-pen down while she was at the ER.


She had been sleeping in her bed in my bedroom anyway.  Thank goodness that's where she was when she had the seizure.  I might not have heard her if she had been in the living room.  


I"m hoping on Monday we will have a definitive answer as to what the problem is.  Thank you for caring about my sweet Frankie.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

Thank you, I understand.


Stregnth and Hope to you all.



"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation


I've been following your Sweet Frankie's health updates.  Please know you're both in my prayers.  Frankie knows she couldn't have a more loving, caring Mom.  


The struggles & stress are so difficult.  The only thing I know is you're both meant for each other (and of course Sweet Henry.)  I hope Sweet Henry still brings some comfort to both you & Frankie during this difficult time.


My heart & hugs go out to all of you.  Wish I could be there to help.  Heart


Special Note to both @Sammycat1 's Frankie & @NickNack 's Frankie:  we all love you both & you're in the best homes.  Prayers for you both & your parents.   

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

Thank you @sceniccoast .  I so appreciate your thinking about us and your prayers.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation


I just wanted to check in and see how Frankie did last night, and of course, I haven't heard how Henry is responding to the health challenges.  

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

@lolakimono   Henry can't figure out what's happening with Frankie.  When I first brought her home from the ER, she paced and paced the house.  I put her in my bedroom and closed the door, and she paced in there.  Henry sat on top of my dresser and watched her like he didn't understand.


Frankie is still confused about not being able to see.  She was always perfectly housetrained and would go to the back door to let me know she needed to go out.  She doesn't do that now.  I have washable potty pads down on the rug in my living room and bedroom.  This morning I woke up to a mess in my living room.


As of this morning I am keeping a log of what time she goes outside.  I will take her on a schedule every 2 1/2 hours to possibly 3 hours.  She needs to go out that often because she's taking prednisone.


All of this is an adjustment to everyone, but we will adjust.  I just hope that after the MRI tomorrow morning we will have a diagnosis.  If not, there are other possibilities that the ER sent out tests for.  Those test results should be back by the end of next week.  


Thank you for checking on us.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau