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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

Thank you so much @seaBreeze @lynne6was7  and @Goldenmoher .  My Vet called me this morning after I cancelled my appt.  I feel that my Vet did everything properly based on her symptoms.  When I said she wailed in the middle of the night two or three weeks ago, we all thought she was in pain.  Now we know it was a seizure.


It does sound like a brain tumor.  When my Vet called this morning, she told me that she had surgery done to remove a brain tumor from one of her dogs a while back.  Her dog lived five more years. She said that depending on what the neurologist at UT says, she would have surgery to remove a brain tumor.


I have a feeling when the ER Vet calls me this afternoon, that he or she will tell me to take her straight to the Vet School to see the neurosurgeon for an MRI and possible surgery.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation



You are finally going to figure out what's wrong with your girl, even if it's tough news. But knowledge is power in such a frightening time. I've had friends whose pets had seizures or strokes...some whose sight came back, some not. Dogs are adaptable with patience.


You've got an excellent clinical team on this and it's time to get her in UT hands. Can you see her today?


She needs to hearl and feel you, and you her. Stay strong and wise as her loving champion. Persist on insisting on answers.


And know that we're all on our knees praying for your beloved Frankie. Please post as you are able and as much. Our ears and hearts are open.  Heart

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

Thank you @Sammycat1 .  I very much hope Frankie's sight will return.  I was hoping it would have returned by this morning.  I've fostered a blind dog before (former owners didn't manage his diabetes properly, and that caused his blindness).  He was able to get around in my house once he got his bearings.  I'm going to ask the ER Vet what her chances are of it returning.


Unfortunately, the ER isn't letting people come in, so I won't be able to see Frankie until I pick her up.  I will be the one to transport her to UT though, so I will be with her then.  UT isn't letting people in either, so that will be extremely difficult if she has to have surgery and stay there for a while.


Thank you so much for being interested in what's happening with Frankie all this time.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

[ Edited ]



No one will know until they  do all the diagnostics  and a specialist reads that MRI.  Concentrate on getting an answer and not speculating and driving yourself crazy. I know: easier said.  But you are the commander of the pup known as Frankie. Steady as she goes.


The cat I'm writing the book about that I mentioned went through a 3 week hellish diagnostic turmoil. First it seemed potassium deficiency. Then spinal arthritis. Then polyarthritis. Then a shadow on his liver on X-ray.  Then suddenly, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion , a sudden BP spike.....and then the ultrasound performed by a veterinary radiologist.  Result: biventricular heart failure, a very rare condition. This all began when he simply needed to sit down every once in awhile. We were beside ourselves.

Hang tough for that real answer. You'll have it soon, I have a feeling. I'm glad you get transport her. She needs to hear her Mama!



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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation



My heart is with you during these setbacks with Frankie...much love...Heart


Sending Love Light and prayers.jpeg

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

[ Edited ]

@Sammycat1   The ER Vet called and told me that Frankie hasn't had another seizure and I can pick her up tonight.  We discussed the various things this could be, and we discussed UT doing the MRI.  I told her I would like to take her to UT and have the MRI done tomorrow--can't pick her up from ER until tonight for monitoring for more seizures.  She said she didn't think UT did anything like that over the weekend and she would just sit in a cage until Monday.


She said she would get the referral paperwork ready and call them to discuss it.  She didn't seem to think this was an emergency.  I think it is.  If UT doesn't think it's an emergency they won't see her until this virus distancing thing is over.  I'm pretty anxious to hear what they say to the ER Vet about seeing her.  I'm really anxious to get a definitive diagnosis and stressed that to the Vet.


I'm also anxious about bringing Frankie home when she is blind and trying to acclimate her to everything in the house. At least I don't have stairs except for the three steps to the back yard.  I will carry her down those.  The ER Vet says her gut feeling is that Frankie's blindness will be permanent.  I hope she's wrong.


The ER is running more tests and sending them out about possible things this could be.


You had a really tough time with your cat getting a diagnosis, too.  I know that was stressful.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

Thank you @KingstonsMom .

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

@NickNack I'm so very sorry to hear about Frankie's seizures. Please consider taking Frankie to the Vet school ASAP.  I would think with something like going suddenly blind that time is of the essence, it is for humans.  I doubt the vet school would just leave Frankie in a crate all weekend.  This has unfortunately turned into an emergency situation and I'm sure they would call in a neurologist if one is not there to look at Frankie immediately.  Your poor baby is probably terrified right now and I'm sure you are filled with anxiety too.  I hope a concrete diagnosis is made quickly with a plan put into place. I wish nothing but the best for Frankie and your family.  Heart

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

[ Edited ]

@SugarPuff wrote:

@NickNack I'm so very sorry to hear about Frankie's seizures. Please consider taking Frankie to the Vet school ASAP.  I would think with something like going suddenly blind that time is of the essence, it is for humans.  I doubt the vet school would just leave Frankie in a crate all weekend.  This has unfortunately turned into an emergency situation and I'm sure they would call in a neurologist if one is not there to look at Frankie immediately.  Your poor baby is probably terrified right now and I'm sure you are filled with anxiety too.  I hope a concrete diagnosis is made quickly with a plan put into place. I wish nothing but the best for Frankie and your family.  Heart



@SugarPuff   The ER Vet just called.  Frankie has an appt. Monday Morning at the Vet School for an MRI.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

Yay! I'm so happy to hear this news!  The vet school will have all the appropriate specialists in one spot so no more waiting for results.   I hope Frankie gets a concrete diagnosis, the cause of the  seizures are found and is pain free really soon.  I know going to a vet school is expensive but I have always found their expertise and care to be worth it.