I grew up with a toy poodle, and it's still my favorite small breed. Though they can vary, and some I've seen are very jittery, never stop long enough to hold in your lap...but ours was the other kind...he was cuddly, comical, very smart, and definitely one of the family.❤️. Yes, as other poster said he could be yappy...but only when strangers came or he wanted something, lol. And training...hahahaha....like trying to rope the moon. Mind of their own.
That said, I love most small breeds I see...I'm just a small dog person. Yorkies look cute and beagles (they don't get too big I think?)...king charles (again, they may be considered mid-size, but are sure cute as little puppies.)
But poodles still remain my fav. If I were getting another dog (in a condo now that doesn't allow them, & at this point I'm not wanting the responsibility), but if I ever got one, I'd probably get another poodle.