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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

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West Highland White Terrier.  They have big brave, personalities, mine's not yappy because I get him out for exercise.  They are sturd and strong, love to run and play.  Mine plays with much bigger dogs.  They are cheerful and friendly, don't shed much.  


I never wanted a small, white dog.  I see them, and they just look line yappy, snappy dust mops.  Westies are not that.  

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

I'm not really a small dog person. I have met a few that I might like to have but not many.



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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

Boston Terrier.

Have had Boston terriers for the past 20 years.  They are lovable, friendly, loyal and have personality plus.  Fabulous breed...male and female.

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

We have a Bichon and he is fifteen years old and weighs twelve pounds. They are wonderful dogs. They don't shed and are very loving and great companions. Stanley is not a yappy dog at all. Very rarely even barks. Easy to train and very smart dogs.

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

I’m on my third Jack Russell Terrier. They are not for everyone since they need exercise and attention,
They are small and I can pick them up. No grooming involved just a weekly shower in the laundry tub.
They are smart and will curl up in your lap like a cat.
I lost my 16 year old in July and I’m so glad I have my 7 year old Snickers!
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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

I'm another Westie fan, my Maggie is 15 yrs. now. She isn't yappy, loves to cuddle but yes, has a mind of her own. She loves ppl and long walks.

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

Since childhood I've had mostly small-to-medium dogs, a 15" Beagle, a mixed-breed who got dumped on our doorstep as a youngster and was probably a Pom/Yorkie cross (long before the days of DNA testing), twenty Scotties (plus over 30 Scottie Rescue foster dogs), two Smooth Fox Terriers, a Cairn and now a Manchester.  As a kid, we also had two German Shepherd Dogs and a (probably) Labrador/Bull Terrier cross.  What I love about the Terriers is that they are small in size but large in mentality.  Born and bred to hunt, they are utterly fearless and know when to bark and when to be silent.   The Scotties and Cairn didn't shed much, but require regular grooming and clippering or stripping, the Smooth Foxes and Manchester were/are wash-n-wear, but do shed some.  I hope to never be without a Terrier of one breed or other for the rest of my life!

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

Our sweet Miniature Schnauzer "Buddy" was the most amazing little dog. Sadly, we lost him on June 8th, just 3 days before he turned 16. 

I never considered a Schnauzer...frankly, we knew nothing about the breed, but once we saw him, it was love at first sight. I will admit, the first 6 months were challenging. But, once we got through the rambunctious puppy stage, he really settled into his own style and was the most amazing dog ever. He rarely barked, only when UPS or the USPS came, but otherwise, he was just a talker....he loved to sass us a little. He was loyal beyond measure, funny, sweet....just an absolute joy of our lives. The house is so empty now....but boy oh boy, our life was full when he was here.💔❤️

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

I think there's something to like about all small breeds.  We're told to purchase the breed that best suits our own personalities and lifestyles.  There isn't "one breed fits all."


I stumbled onto Poodles because I'm allergic to dogs and at the time this breed was the only one recommended. 


I love this breed because of its personality, versatility, and intelligence.  I've had both Standards and Toys.  Couldn't say which size I like better except I can't put Standards in my handbag to go shopping.    


Some say small dogs are yappers.  Never had that problem with mine.  As puppies, if I saw them beginning that habit, they were corrected.  


The only negative was matting, so I had to frequently brush their coats.  

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

Without a doubt my Silky Terriers are the finest dogs I've ever had the pleasure to share my life with.