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Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

A girl got to do what a girl got to do.  Let her have her fun.  Help her with the table.  Remind her to deal with the cobwebs for you.


Someday when her joints can hardly bend down to her bowl you can tell her how good it was.

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Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

I hightly recommend investing in a cat tree with levels so she can easily make her way up and down that you can put in front of the window. I have multiple trees in my house of all different heights. Many people don't like the look of them, but to me it's part of life with cats. Ditto for scratching posts (which cat trees also double as).

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Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

You are a cat mom now.  Enjoy her and let her do her thing.  It is natural for them to climb high in the trees. The happier she is the more love she will bring to you.

Posts: 57
Registered: ‎01-16-2011

Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

When you are a cat caretaker, it is her world.  We are only allowed to live in it.  Enjoy her graceful, beautiful moves.

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Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

I agree with everyone here.  I might add she may just get bored with it and not jump up there again.   I love cats, but they are unpredictable at times.  Enjoy your kitty.


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Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

Mine cats jump too. I don't know how you could really keep one from it. If its any consolation, my 3 have been jumpers for as long as I can remember, even jumping on top of our fireplace mantel, and they have never been hurt. We havne't turned the fireplace on in years, its never been on when they were jumping up there.

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Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

[ Edited ]

Every cat I've ever had has jumped up onto high perches; it's what they do.  It's a natural instinct to be higher up than predators (perceived or real; think of cats in the wild).


We have a cat tower in pretty much every room in the house.  And an average cat can jump to five times its own length, so that will give you an idea of distance.


Your cat won't hurt itself jumping up onto a windowsill unless you obstruct it in some way and it gets hurt falling on or against it.

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Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

[ Edited ]

There are tree cats and there are bush cats; you have a tree cat.


I hope you heed the advice to put the table back and add some stable levels to assist the cat in getting down. They should be several inches wide or deep so the cat feels confident of them.


One of the most common causes of broken jaws in cats is falling from heights. 

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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

Cats ALWAYS land on theri feet.  DON"T YOU BELIEVE IT.

 Cats fall and if They DON"T have the time to twist their bodies around they WILL hit the ground HARD.  if they DO land on their feet from a great hight they stil can have chest trauma and other injuries because their feet and legs can't absorb All the energy from the impact and the chest is the next thing that hits. 

Posts: 30
Registered: ‎07-12-2010

Re: Cat owners - advice on cats jumping?

Agree that is an old myth that cats always land on their feet. Please do what others have suggested and make it easier for her not harder. She does this because she is young it will be the blink of an eye before she will be unable to jump so high.