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Our vet recommended a bland diet (for a few days) of chicken and rice for dog due to stomach upset and loose stools.

I have been feeding her small portions throughout the day.  She seems there a recommended portion size, like "so many cups per pound of dog" per day?   I should have asked the vet.........



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I don't know if this is right or not, but when I had to do this for my dog, I boiled chicken breasts and made plain rice.  Then mixed them together roughly 50/50.  I fed small amounts throughout the day, but the overall amount was no more than the total number of cups of food he would get in a day.   If your dogs has an upset stomach, you don't want to overdo it and cause him to puke again so several small meals is the best way to go.  If you think he can tollerate it, you can give him some thawed out frozen carrots or green beans, but not too much.  If he has a diarhea problem, add a little solid pack pumpkin (NOT PIE FILLING) to a couple of the feedings (not everyone).  You could look online for an amount guideline.  My dog is 85 lbs. and I usually give him a couple of tablespoons per feeding.

Posts: 70
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Just finished an episode of this gastroenteritis with my dog-agree with the 50/50 ratio of rice to chicken-I forgot all about the pumpkin remedy-I had to give mine Endosorb tablets. During the first few days, my dog had no appetite which worried me ,my vet said they can go days without eating anything as long  as they are drinking water.

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When I have to give my dog the rice/chicken breast meals I give her the equivelant to what I normally give her in dry kibble (sometimes I give her more if she still seems hungry). I buy the frozen boneless skinless chicken breast from Costco so I always have it on hand because Storm has always had boughts of digestive/diarrhea issues.  I cut up the chicken breast when it's thawed a bit (easier to cut into cubes), then I cook the rice and chicken together so the rice can get as much of the chicken flavor as possible so it's not so bland. After she's been on it a few days and her system is back to normal I gradually add kibble to the chicken rice mixture, then probably about 4 days later she's back on all kibble. Good luck, I know the stomach grumbling and runny stools is no fun. I feel so bad when my Stormy tries to eat then backs up with sad eyes because she can't :-(

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I use the frozen chicken  breasts from Costco too. I feed just a little more than the equivalent amount that I feed their regular food. Regarding the ratio, I just kind of play it by ear. I probably do more chicken than rice so that they feel more full.  I also give organic pumpkin in with it which is great for diarrhea. My dog used to have diarrhea and digestive issues (he has been diagnosed with IBD) fairly regularly until I started giving him Forti Flora probiotics about 2-3 years ago and since then, no, and i mean, no issues. I've been amazed at the changes in that regard.


I am sorry your pup is having issues. I truly know how hard it can be. I always feel bad when I hear about doggies that aren't feeling well. Smiley Sad

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@labloverrr wrote:

When I have to give my dog the rice/chicken breast meals I give her the equivelant to what I normally give her in dry kibble (sometimes I give her more if she still seems hungry). I buy the frozen boneless skinless chicken breast from Costco so I always have it on hand because Storm has always had boughts of digestive/diarrhea issues.  I cut up the chicken breast when it's thawed a bit (easier to cut into cubes), then I cook the rice and chicken together so the rice can get as much of the chicken flavor as possible so it's not so bland. After she's been on it a few days and her system is back to normal I gradually add kibble to the chicken rice mixture, then probably about 4 days later she's back on all kibble. Good luck, I know the stomach grumbling and runny stools is no fun. I feel so bad when my Stormy tries to eat then backs up with sad eyes because she can't :-(


Have you ever considered adding a daily probiotic supplement to your sweet girl's food?


They work the same wonderful way in balancing our own GI systems, plus they boost the immune system.  


Check out "FortiFlora" and other highly-rated ones at Amazon.


HTH and cuddles to your Labbie...

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When this same 'bug' would hit my poodle my vet also gave me a prescription for the diarrhea and a couple of cans of soft food.  We'd do the boiled chicken and white rice thing too.  Everything cleared up in a few days thankfully.


Don't know what it is or why all of a sudden things go haywire with our pets but they do - just like us sometimes I suppose.


Hope your furbbie feels beeter and back to normal SOON!

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Thanks for the comments everyone.  I will contact the vet today regarding portion of food per day.


As for the pumpkin and probiotics they are regular parts of my girls' diet.  HOWEVER the vet said NO PUMPKIN for at least 2 weeks, to quote him, "that is the last thing she needs right now, that will definately make thinks worse!"


Posts: 63
Registered: ‎06-27-2013

My one dog had chronic diarrhea for years.  Just in case you do not know, do not use minute rice.  Use the rice you have to cook.  I have used chicken, and I have used ground beef, drained, too.

Yes, the pure pumkin out of a can is good.  One TB for a small dog, as for my shih tzu, and 2 TB for a larger dog, 2 x a day is good to begin as soon as you see loose stools and hold off food for 24 hours, not water sometimes is all that is needed to rest the digestive system.  Then introduce the bland diet, for 2 days, and wean their regular back into for 2 days. and they should be ok.  

You know your pet.  Use your judgement.   If not, get them to the vet, especially if they would not be drinking water. 

This is just some advice I have from dealing with my guy over the years.

For chronic types, a paste put on food called, Diarsanyl does wonders!

Good luck, with your gal!  Hope she feels better real soon!


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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:

Thanks for the comments everyone.  I will contact the vet today regarding portion of food per day.


As for the pumpkin and probiotics they are regular parts of my girls' diet.  HOWEVER the vet said NO PUMPKIN for at least 2 weeks, to quote him, "that is the last thing she needs right now, that will definately make thinks worse!"


That is very strange. I wonder what he meant because every single vet I know highly recommends pure pumpkin to help with these issues but perhaps I don't know the full extent of your dog's issues. My one that had the issues before we used Forti flora, he has a sensitive stomach and any tiny tweak to his food usually caused him to throw up but pumpkin never caused him to do that and suprisingly, he like the taste and he is SUPER picky, probably because he knows if he eats the wrong things he pays for it either through diahrrea or vomiting. Smiley Sad 


I hope you get everything resolved!