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Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

My granddog, Jasper, is the perfect doggie!  He's super smart and very lovey.  However, he starts getting upset when his dad starts getting ready for work.  The socks are very serious.  When my son puts on his socks, Jasper knows that his dad will be leaving him.  Do any of you have any solutions to separation anxiety?  He's a rescue dog and has had this issue for six years!



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Re: Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

Maybe a buddy of the doggie sort would help.  It's my understanding that pack animals feel vulnerable when all alone, and that little cutie probably very much relies on his "dad".

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Re: Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

I put out a plate of food and leave the TV on........and make a quick exit

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Re: Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

Fortune:  I am sorry to hear that your beautiful Jasper has this problem, which is often the case with rescue dogs who probably didn't have a very good start to their life.   For the dog this is serious and I am glad you are seeking a solution.  You will find a lot of good information on the internet - but there is no quick fix.  You could also ask advice from your local SPCA (who often have great programs for dogs).  Usually dogs in this situation are scared of being alone and just want someone around, so if Jasper is left alone all day would it be possible for someone to spend some time with him?   One thing I have heard about that might be helpful 

@fortune wrote:

My granddog, Jasper, is the perfect doggie!  He's super smart and very lovey.  However, he starts getting upset when his dad starts getting ready for work.  The socks are very serious.  When my son puts on his socks, Jasper knows that his dad will be leaving him.  Do any of you have any solutions to separation anxiety?  He's a rescue dog and has had this issue for six years!



is a product on the market called the Comfort Zone Plug-In (it looks like one of those plug-in air fresheners) that releases dog pheremones that comfort and calm the dog.  I don't have first-hand knowledge of this product but there will probably be some customer reviews on the internet and it might be worth looking into.  I will add here that I think Jasper needs company during the day more than anything else, but this product might help calm him as well.   I am glad that you are concerned about Jasper and want to help him, and I sincerely hope you can find a solution.  My best wishes to you both.

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Re: Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

[ Edited ]

Try getting a thunder shirt.  It swaddles tightly around the body and has a calming effect.  Lavender scents are calming and work for some dogs.  Giving a dental stick might help if he likes them as it will deflect his attention as well as maybe your son could go in the bathroom to put the socks on.   His vet might also be of great help.   On a day your son doesn't go to work have him get ready like he is and leave but come back in 5 minutes.  Keep doing this over and over gradually increasing the time between coming back so he knows his dad is coming back.  It's time consuming but is very successful many times.  


It's really heartbreaking knowing this poor dog had a rough start in life. 

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Re: Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

I second the recommendation for the trial of a Thunder Shirt BUT - ours works great for Poly but not at all for Buddie.


Also, do you leave your pets in Thunder Shirts for extended periods of time, Pook?


Jasper is absolutely beautiful! I hope some or all of the recs you've received are helpful, fortune.

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Re: Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

Good ideas in the forum. Another possibility: Would it be possible for Jasper to go to a doggy daycare when dad goes to work? It would fill his day and distract him from missing dad so much. My little guy doesn't have anxiety when I leave, but he sits by the door waiting for me. I take him to daycare 3 or 4 days a week for his benefit as well as mine. Trust me, he won't miss dad when he can play all day with his pack of buddies!

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Re: Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

Why do you think it is separation anxiety?  Just because he gets "upset" dose not make it separation anxiety.  What does he do once your son has left?


True separation anxiety can be a serious condition that any dog (not just rescues) can have. The behaviors can become very destructive or physically harmful.  Some behaviors can be changed with behavior modification while in sever cases medication may be needed.  Allowing the behavior to continue for 6 years is going to make it difficult to correct.


Since the only information you gave was he gets upset when he leaves, I have to assume he is fine after your son has left.  So it seems he is just having a "temper tantrum" when your son gets ready to go.  I would suggest that your son give him a bone or kong filled with frozen treats to distract him from your sons departure.  Once you get into a routine he will start to look forward to getting his treat when you son leaves.

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Re: Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

I have left one on one of my dogs all day if a thunderstorm is expected.  It is not confining but the wrapping is similar to swaddling and it is very comforting.

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Re: Separation Anxiety--Any Suggestions?

My dog seems to think that the Thundershirt causes the storm!  He won't keep it on; hates it. 

We had the separation anxiety issue when we first got him because his previous owner had left him for 12 - 15 hours at a time.  Now he knows we will 'be right back' and handles it OK.  It took a couple of years for him to change.   Wish I knew an answer for you.