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Couldn't resist-says--Blessed are those who love cats for they shall never be alone.

I met my one cat down on a parking lot at a mall. Kept coming up to me walking through a parking lot. So loving-Black and white but not on the face. Call her Bootsie or Boots. I heard later Black cats are not adoptable. Should be for they are so loving. Over 3 years having her.

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Lucky Bootsie and you!!

I heard blacks cats are not adoptable around Halloween.

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Have a tee that says "I just want to sip coffee and pet my dog". Ever since our German Shepherd passed away I cannot bear to look at it. I miss her so much.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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@halfpint1  Years ago I  did volunteer work for Petsmart cat adoption in-store. Yes, sometimes black cats ("house panthers") are hard to adopt. Some ignorant people still think they are "unlucky".


Many rescues will not adopt out black cats a month before Halloween as many have been known to be used for cruel purposes at that time.


Your kitty picked YOU. How great!

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Registered: ‎08-27-2010

Love my black kitties! We found our mini panther when she was 6 weeks old on the roof  of our garage.How such a little kitty got up there was quite the mystery.She is now 10 years and a total lap cat. We also have a 1 yr old tuxedo. I got her from a man asking for change on my way to work one Saturday.That girl has a lot of catitude. Cat Wink

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Black Cats?  Superstition Ain't the way.  Stupid STUPID hold over from witch burning "Familiar" days.  The Stigma is FINALLY falling by the wayside. 

P.S.  lots of shelters WILL NOT adopt out Black cats in October for the reason that stupid people do some BAD things to cats, Especially Black cats,  around Halloween.

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My current DH had a black cat during his childhood that he STILL raves about.


My 1st husband & I had a pure white cat and we went to the shelter to get a companion.  DH immediately chose a pure black cat (even though I prefered a long haired gray one).    He won.


Well, evidently Shadow (she named herself) decided I was HER human on the way home from the shelter.  I could not take a shower without her standing on the tub ledge yowling - "Don't you know it's wet in there??"  (I speak cat, dontcha know.) Cat Wink


Loved her dearly.

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Registered: ‎04-14-2013

That's sweet, @halfpint1 .  You and Boots were made for each other.


The same is true for the black dogs, especially large breeds.  My boy Diesel was in a shelter for six months.  Thankfully he was saved by a friend of mine who runs a rescue, or he wouldn't be here today.


Country singer Emmylou Harris wrote a song called "Big Black Dog", about how they are so often overlooked for adoption.


Enjoy your kitty!

Cogito ergo sum