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Re: What age should baby start daycare?

I am with you in that issue.

i think children should NEVER go to daycares. If families adjust their life styles I am sure 90% of moms can stay at home. But unfortunally, they dont want to do it. I feel sorry for those children.


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Re: What age should baby start daycare?

@rcarmina wrote:

I am with you in that issue.

i think children should NEVER go to daycares. If families adjust their life styles I am sure 90% of moms can stay at home. But unfortunally, they dont want to do it. I feel sorry for those children.


I disagree. 

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Re: What age should baby start daycare?

@Maudelynn wrote:

Unbelievable that some think a woman has to only be a mother or only a career person.  No one ever suggests a man chose between a career and a child.  We're in the 21st century.  Women now understand they need to be able to stand on their own.  More than 1/2 of marriages don't last, spouses get ill and pass away.  If you can't support yourself and your kids on your own, if you aren't saving for you own retirement, you're in a risky situation. 

Being out of the work force for several years isn't an option for women who want to be able to earn a decent paycheck and have a secure retirement.

I stayed home for 13 years, and it didn't affect my ability to re-enter the workforce and secure retirement.  The budget was tight with just DH's income, but certainly worth it to me to be able to be a stay home mom.

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Re: What age should baby start daycare?

@wildcat fan wrote:

@Maudelynn wrote:

Unbelievable that some think a woman has to only be a mother or only a career person.  No one ever suggests a man chose between a career and a child.  We're in the 21st century.  Women now understand they need to be able to stand on their own.  More than 1/2 of marriages don't last, spouses get ill and pass away.  If you can't support yourself and your kids on your own, if you aren't saving for you own retirement, you're in a risky situation. 

Being out of the work force for several years isn't an option for women who want to be able to earn a decent paycheck and have a secure retirement.

I stayed home for 13 years, and it didn't affect my ability to re-enter the workforce and secure retirement.  The budget was tight with just DH's income, but certainly worth it to me to be able to be a stay home mom.

You're lucky. It's very competitive out in the job market and a large gap in employment isn't exactly enticing to companies looking to hire for mid-level, higher paying jobs.

You have sacrificed nothing and no one.
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Re: What age should baby start daycare?

@wildcat fan wrote:

@Maudelynn wrote:

Unbelievable that some think a woman has to only be a mother or only a career person.  No one ever suggests a man chose between a career and a child.  We're in the 21st century.  Women now understand they need to be able to stand on their own.  More than 1/2 of marriages don't last, spouses get ill and pass away.  If you can't support yourself and your kids on your own, if you aren't saving for you own retirement, you're in a risky situation. 

Being out of the work force for several years isn't an option for women who want to be able to earn a decent paycheck and have a secure retirement.

I stayed home for 13 years, and it didn't affect my ability to re-enter the workforce and secure retirement.  The budget was tight with just DH's income, but certainly worth it to me to be able to be a stay home mom.


How many years ago was this? Try it now.

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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: What age should baby start daycare?

      I have a different perspective on this question...I trained day care staff for 20 years.  In my state, all day care facilities must be licensed by the state and must meet  state standards, including background checks, staff training, environment, teaching practices, city and county laws.  Those facilities that are nationally accredited meet tougher, stricter standards. There really are some wonderful day care facilities!!    

      I do think it is up to the parents to do their research before considering any facility or caregiver. Our state has several agencies that work with and evaluate sites, parents should look at this day care criteria carefully. There are two types of licensed child care - a center or a day care home. Which type of facility is best for a child really depends on the child.  All parents should make several visits to sites -- look over the child care environment, listen to the staff/

children interaction, request information on staff training and director's knowledge/ qualifications. Also parents should try to arrange for several short, drop in periods before the child goes full time.

      If parents make the decision to place their child in a day care facility, that is their decision.  I do not understand the judgemental posts.  It is really a personal family decision of when, who, why, how and where.  As far as day care staff not loving the children, in my experience, that is just not true.   I know many child care teachers who have been in this profession for more than 20 years. They love the children they care for as though the kids were their own.

     Caring for children can be a hard, tiring job whether a child's caregiver in a facility, a stay at home parent or a helpful, grandparent.  People who are not cut out for this "job" find out fairly quickly.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: What age should baby start daycare?

@missy1 wrote:

@rcarmina wrote:

I am with you in that issue.

i think children should NEVER go to daycares. If families adjust their life styles I am sure 90% of moms can stay at home. But unfortunally, they dont want to do it. I feel sorry for those children.


I disagree. 

I'm with you @missy1.  I look at women in history that earned us our right to vote, and maintained our economy while men were battling overseas...and then read these antiquated comments about how women should stay home and mind the makes me cringe.  I am thankful that I have solid female role models in my life.