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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

On 12/12/2014 CalmInTheHeart said:

I agree a lot of times it is the parents' fault for not teaching kids how to behave in public.

However..... Perhaps the child has some kind of disorder or disability that doesn't show on the outside. We will never know what is really going on or why a child acts as he/she does. A little patience and tolerance works wonders.

Sorry, but that's not the public's problem or business. If a child has an issue with acting appropriately in public then his parents should hire a sitter or at least remove him if he decides to take a tantrum. No one has the right to force strangers to endure your problem child.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

I was in a grocery store about two weeks ago........and a young mother was teaching her child how to shriek...........first she would do it, and then wait for the toddler to follow suit. I just stood are stared at her (the mother), and she smiled.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

I'm not sure when irresponsibility became acceptable but it appears that too many parents feel that taking the time to deal with their misbehaving kids is not their problem. I understand that parents are busy and exhausted but if they want to raise responsible and considerate people, they cannot be lazy. As my grandmother used to say, "Little children, little problems; big children, big problems.
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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

On 12/24/2014 Vivian said: I'm not sure when irresponsibility became acceptable but it appears that too many parents feel that taking the time to deal with their misbehaving kids is not their problem. I understand that parents are busy and exhausted but if they want to raise responsible and considerate people, they cannot be lazy. As my grandmother used to say, "Little children, little problems; big children, big problems.

My Dad used to say that too.

And it's true. The time to set limits & teach children how to behave in the real world is when they're young. Kids should be allowed to be kids, but being considerate of others should be a part of that. If they don't learn that the world doesn't revolve around them when they're young, it's going to be pretty hard to convince them of that later on.


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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

Did you just refer to 3-5 yr old special ed students as criminals?
On 9/30/2014 yogamom1985 said:

Y'all are absolutely right and I teach in the public school as a preschool special educator so the ages are 3-5 years of age. Try teaching these criminals! It is scary.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

p_p: Antisocial behavior begins early. Imagine kicking, biting, screaming, grabbing in private places, throwing--all begin quite early.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

I was raised along with all my siblings with "the parental look".

One look and long hard stare with no blinks meant immediately stop.

One stare followed by 2 eye blinks mean yes.

One stare followed by 1 blink meant no.

My parents never raised their voice or a hand to us.....everything was done by "the look".

We were also taught when outside to never wander away, always stay by their side, and we all held hands. We were very quiet and respectful.

That is how they were taught at young early ages, and so were we.

We knew what was totally good acceptable behavior, and what was not.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

More and more I find where I go kids are loud rude and entitled. I don't think the word no is in the vocabulary anymore. When I go to places that are public I expect children of any age to be polite and behave in a certain way, I don't find this! Hats of to the kids and there parents who do behave!
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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

My old nail salon has another customer who made the rest of us suffer through her rude and mean-spirited little girl's verbal rants while mother chatted on her cell. The business owner got quieter and I finally firmly but politely asked the mother to please intervene-she gave me a piece of her lip something like don't you have kids? Shut me down but I was so aggravated and I am there to relax. Later the business owner asked me how to word a sign to please control your kids--- good grief--these people won't comply to a posted sign. The owner needs to take control and not put customers in a miserable situation. I will pay more to go to a more professional salon in the future. I'm not proud about getting annoyed and it's no wonder so many folks in public wear their ""tune-out"" earphones.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

On 9/29/2014 adelle38 said:
On 9/29/2014 moonchilde said: Nothing will annoy me quicker than badly behaved children in public places. But with all the publicity that "child abuse" gets these days (90% deservedly so) I wonder how many parents are afraid to discipline their kids in public? There are kids (yes, even at age 8) that are afraid of *nothing* a parent threatens them with. I would not want to be in those parents shoes. The media has revealed time and again that social services and local governments refuse to help. Not saying every bratty kid is Bad Seed, or that parents couldn't do more, but sometimes the result of trying to prevent hypothetical "abuse" is the tying of hands.

You can discipline children without being accused of child abuse. Discipline doesn't mean hitting.

Amen! I've worked at summer camps, day cares, and preschools, so know this is a fact. I have never, ever had to hit a child to get him or her to behave appropriately.