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Noisy Kids in public places?

My regular hair dresser is off on a surgery to her hand so I went to Great Clips because there is a gal there that does a pretty good haircut. So while waiting, about an hour, there were several kids playing with the toys in the toy box. I understand kids are kids, but one little boy was screaming and yelling and bashing the toys around and making a ton of noise. I remember when I went places with my three little kids, all two years apart. I expected them to sit in their chair and look at books quietly which they did, it was the way we operated. This made life easier for me and they didn't disturb the other people wherever it was we were. I got up and went outside for a bit because it was grating on my nerves. I came back in and the level of noise, mostly from this one child, had gotten even worse. I finally said, not too loudly, can you use your inside voices. Didn't make a bit of difference and the Mom didn't say boo to this "brat". Is that how it is nowadays. I know that alot of parents with kids don't like to tell them no and never want to hurt their feelings?? I don't have any grandkids so I am not around little kids alot, is this the norm these days???

Oh I forgot to mention the boy was 7 or 8 years old.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

Unfortunately this kind of thing does seem to be the new norm. It amazes me how many parents take their children to places such as malls or restaurants and then proceed to unleash them on the public. I have seen children runnng through rows of clothing, pulling off tags or pulling the clothes off the hangers. The parents act as if their "little angels" have suddenly become invisible. Many times other people are forced to step in and say something which is risky because then the parent may go off on them.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

Unfortunately,I think it is very common.I am very annoyed by this. Parents don't discipline their kids and let them go wild.
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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

If my niece and nephew get noisy in a restraunt she takes them out to the car for a ""talk"" lol. My niece is always trying to compete with her older brother and can get loud sometimes. We are still teaching her about her inside voice. She is three.
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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

Nothing will annoy me quicker than badly behaved children in public places. But with all the publicity that "child abuse" gets these days (90% deservedly so) I wonder how many parents are afraid to discipline their kids in public? There are kids (yes, even at age 8) that are afraid of *nothing* a parent threatens them with. I would not want to be in those parents shoes. The media has revealed time and again that social services and local governments refuse to help. Not saying every bratty kid is Bad Seed, or that parents couldn't do more, but sometimes the result of trying to prevent hypothetical "abuse" is the tying of hands.
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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

On 9/29/2014 moonchilde said: Nothing will annoy me quicker than badly behaved children in public places. But with all the publicity that "child abuse" gets these days (90% deservedly so) I wonder how many parents are afraid to discipline their kids in public? There are kids (yes, even at age 8) that are afraid of *nothing* a parent threatens them with. I would not want to be in those parents shoes. The media has revealed time and again that social services and local governments refuse to help. Not saying every bratty kid is Bad Seed, or that parents couldn't do more, but sometimes the result of trying to prevent hypothetical "abuse" is the tying of hands.

You can discipline children without being accused of child abuse. Discipline doesn't mean hitting.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

On 9/29/2014 ccassaday said: If my niece and nephew get noisy in a restraunt she takes them out to the car for a ""talk"" lol. My niece is always trying to compete with her older brother and can get loud sometimes. We are still teaching her about her inside voice. She is three.
In my family it's the exact opposite. My sister didn't say a word when the children got noisy in a restaurant or anywhere else. My mother was mortified to go anywhere in public with them.
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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

At least you were able to step out for a bit. The worst is to be trapped on a long flight with loud, misbehaving kids whose parents are ignoring them.
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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

It's beyond annoying and it's virtually anywhere you go these days. Yes, sadly, I think it's the new norm, though I do still see some responsible parents who make clear to their children what kind of behavior is appropriate for the setting...

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

While I believe that children need to learn respect and correct behaviors when out in public, I also work with special needs children and I've learned to temper my thoughts, actions and opinions when around children who are acting up. You have no idea what the actual situation is for this particular child nor what the parent(s) are going through at the time. While I believe that parents have a responsibility to teach their children appropriate behaviors, before you judge make sure you feel confident that you know the family's situation before throwing accusations out there.