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Today, November 1, is DD's birthday. What a blessing she is!



It was my first pregnancy, and I was expecting fraternal twins. I went into labor at 20 weeks, and one of them didn't make it. I was in the hospital for a while, then home on strict bed rest. I was due December 8, and they were hoping I would not deliver until Thanksgiving.




 I saw the doctor a few days before Halloween. My friends were making their children's costumes, there was so much excitement in the neighborhood, and I wanted to be part of it. So I asked the doctor if I could lie on the couch. He told us he didn't want me "walking" downstairs. So I took that to mean MY walking! Halloween night I begged DH to carry me down. He didn't like the idea, but I wouldn't give up. Of course that wasn't easy for him, but he "half carried" me. 



I lay on the couch like a queen, and my friends brought their children in to see me. I felt fine, and at the end of the night DH half carried me back up.




Early the next morning my water broke. I was in labor just a few hours, with no drugs and no epidural. DD was here - a preemie. There were a few complications, but she was beautiful. She almost had to stay a while, but she was able to come home with us. She didn't hit the weight charts until she was a year old.




The pediatrician said she would be really tiny, probably less than 5 feet. She's 5'3" ! She has one leg a tiny bit shorter than the other, but it never prevented her from doing anything. She danced and later taught dance to preschoolers. She was a lifeguard and taught swimming. She wore a brace at night until she was a year old. We named it "Annabelle." She was the happiest baby, always smiling.





She was in high school. It was Christmas Eve and she and I were headed to the late service so she could play the bells. We had already been to the early service. It had started to snow lightly, and we were talking about everything in general. About a block from church, she asked me, "Was I a twin?" I was pretty shocked because we had never talked about it. So I just said "Yes." She said "I thought so." We were there, so anything else waited until we were driving home. Shortly after midnight she told me how she always felt there was something more. Then I gave her the short version of events.



I just thought I had to share this on her birthday. We have our times, but she is one of the sweetest, most caring human beings I know. Thank you for listening.   Smiley Happy

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Re: My Daughter’s Birthday

@beach-mom Your post warmed my heart today. Thank you.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: My Daughter’s Birthday

That was beautiful to read @beach-mom. Isn't it amazing how she felt she may have had a twin! 

There are so many things about our fellow posters lives we don't know.

Your daughter sounds like a joy.

I think many of us here could be great friends. I think my daughters and son are the sweetest too! 

They are my best friends.🥰

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: My Daughter’s Birthday

Happy Birthday to your daughter!  Sounds like she is indeed a blessing!

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Registered: ‎05-24-2010

Re: My Daughter’s Birthday

@on the bay wrote:

That was beautiful to read @beach-mom. Isn't it amazing how she felt she may have had a twin! 

There are so many things about our fellow posters lives we don't know.

Your daughter sounds like a joy.

I think many of us here could be great friends. I think my daughters and son are the sweetest too! 

They are my best friends.🥰

Isn’t is wonderful @on the bay  that somehow we all end up with the best children. Mine are pretty special too. 

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Re: My Daughter’s Birthday

An absolutely lovely post! For your daughter,

Happy birthday muffin topper and lit sparkler gif

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Re: My Daughter’s Birthday

I don't have children beach-mom but I was teary eyed reading your story.


Your daughter sounds like a wonderful woman and a kind and caring child. There are some things we don't need to be told. They are born in our minds and our hearts. We just instinctively know.


God bless both of you. 

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Posts: 969
Registered: ‎05-09-2010

Re: My Daughter’s Birthday

What a wonderful post.  Happy Birthday to her and how interesting that she would ask that.  Beautiful 

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Posts: 14,297
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: My Daughter’s Birthday

Thank you everyone for your kind comments! Birthday's over, and the Phillies won. She's happy!   Smiley Happy

Honored Contributor
Posts: 33,535
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: My Daughter’s Birthday

@beach-mom   Sorry I missed this post earlier. Your daughter sounds like a wonderful gift with great resilience. 


I'm positive that your ability to make her feel that she had no limitations made her the best she could be and all you wanted for her. Honesty about her twin was heartwarming.


Happy Birthday to your daughter and cudos for being a great Mom.