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...from when my kids were small.


It was such a big deal, and so much fun. Occasionally we'd get snow and all the children in our neighborhood would sled down the street--we're on a hill, and adults would be posted along the way so they could check for traffic and make sure the kiddos could sled down safely.

If you have little children, take lots of pictures/videos because this is a magical time to them (and to us, their parents who enjoyed, so much, our childrens' fun) and this phase of their lives won't last long.

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Yes, Christmas is for the children and without any, it's not quite the same, IMO!



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@GoneButNotForgotten ...I thought the same thing this morning, how Christmas is just different from 'days-gone-by'...but then again, as we've always heard, 'Nothing Stays the Same''...and Christmas time is included in that.  I just remind myself about the 'reason for the season' and give my thanks for that !

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I tend to miss those days too.  I totally loved the Christmas season when my kids were young and we spent it with my brother and sister and their kids.   It sure was wonderful and I do have lots and lots of pictures!!   I still really enjoy it and thankfully am blessed to still spend it with my kids as adults.  Life goes on,  remember to stop and smell the roses or the pine trees for that matter Smiley Happy

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I tend to be sad at Christmas.  I miss my children decorating the tree,going to breakfast with Santa, the Sears catalog (Wish Book) I think.   Loved going Christmas shopping with my grandchildren and now they too are adults.  Much to remember and be thankful for.

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Christmas never stopped being fun and miraculous for me. As the kids got older and then grew up, Christmas evolved but it didn't become less than it was. And now with the grands, we are experiencing Christmas with little ones again. Christmas is what you make it. Whatever phase of life you are in.

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Just mentioned the other day to hubs that now that we have more snow, I really miss Christmas.  Anticipation for the holiday and then it comes to a crashing hault.  Oh well.

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I miss Christmas shopping in the stores downtown and in the malls. I miss all of my family members who are no longer with us. My Christmas dinners are sometimes just the a few of us when we used to have at least 10. I don't enjoy sitting in front of a computer ordering stuff that I can't see in person or gift cards. I guess this is why I still go all out with decorating trying to keep my spirits up. 

I long for the days when Christmas decorating was going outside and cutting holly, mistletoe and greenery and gathering pine cones to decorate the mantel. Now its all artificial. As my father used to say time marches on and nothing remains the same. 

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I enjoyed Christmas when the kids were young. 


Christmas is now a very depressing time for me (long story). I would love to skip black friday through New Year's Eve.  

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@50Mickey wrote:

I miss Christmas shopping in the stores downtown and in the malls. I miss all of my family members who are no longer with us. My Christmas dinners are sometimes just the a few of us when we used to have at least 10. I don't enjoy sitting in front of a computer ordering stuff that I can't see in person or gift cards. I guess this is why I still go all out with decorating trying to keep my spirits up. 

I long for the days when Christmas decorating was going outside and cutting holly, mistletoe and greenery and gathering pine cones to decorate the mantel. Now its all artificial. As my father used to say time marches on and nothing remains the same. 

@50Mickey    My favorite memories as a child include going into town in Pittsburgh.  It was fun seeing all the department store decorations... Kaufmanns, Gimbels, Hornes.  
Of course Santa was there.  People were friendly and excited for the holidays. We would always grab lunch at the Tic Toc restaurant...or see a show like The Sound Of Music.  
Although we still believed in Santa...we were allowed to pick out a doll from my parents.  
I miss those days too with family.  Unfortunately it is nothing like that today.  Just thankful to have the memories.