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Just a thought:


I wonder if the mom could make "ice cream" with those boost drinks that have extra nutrients? Sometimes kids just go through a phase like that. May be have her think she's eating ice cream but at least it would have some nutrients in it. 

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  1. She's probably eating more than vanilla ice cream.  After years, she'd be a very sick child malnourished child  and they would have had to seek medical attention.  There no nutrients in ice cream.  I don't know the real story but I'll bet she is one of those kids like we had in my family.  Beyond being picky eaters.  My 8 year old niece only eats one brand of frozen pancakes , one brand of mini frozen pizza, apple juice, hamburgers from Burger King.  She did eat yogurt but she stopped a few months ago.  Her dad was like that too when he was a kid.  Strangely she is completely healthy but just slightly overweight.  Her pediatrician is not concerned at all.  She healthy and growing.  She doesn't exhibit any restrictive eating habits.   The pediatrician says kids should not be forced to eat what they don't like.  Skyla will eventually eat more foods as she gets older.  There were other kids in our family like that but not nearly as bad.  It's weird but when she goes to birthday parties, she doesn't eat cake or anything else.  Her mom takes a couple of apple juice boxes for her.  
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My husband has a niece and nephew who have lived most of their lives on chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese.  

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@Jersey Born @You are on the right track. It's called Avoidant Restrictive Eatng Disorder. 

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Registered: ‎11-26-2019

It kinda does sound like a eating disorder,but awful young for this.could it be she was bullied at her school?

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Re: Children not eating

[ Edited ]


Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is a new diagnosis in the DSM-5, and was previously referred to as “Selective Eating Disorder.” ARFID is similar to anorexia in that both disorders involve limitations in the amount and/or types of food consumed, but unlike anorexia, ARFID does not involve any distress about body shape or size, or fears of fatness.



“The soul is healed by being with children.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Kids will also just play that game because they can.


Will only eat this.  Won't eat that.  One day they like it, the next they push the plate away.


Won't eat the crusts on bread, won't eat anything that's grilled and turned brown (like mac and cheese, pizza, edges of a grilled cheese sandwich). 


Will watch the parents cut away everything that's *brown*.  Ridiculous because the kids will eat chocolate chip cookies, etc.


It's just a game.  And I've seen it first hand. I won't play that game.

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I would certaily be concerned.  I think an eating disorder can start an any age. A second dr's opinion couldn't hurt.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2014

   My adult son has a close childhood friend who basically eats pancakes,French fries & white rice. He's 30 years old has a professional job & when he takes clients out to expensive restaurants he will only order rice or fries.

   He's very healthy. He doesn't look thin or undernourished.He's engaged & his fiancé is used to him eating these foods & doesn't seem to mind.

  When he was a kid we often wondered if he would be able to survive on that diet. It apparently hasn't affected his health or success in life.His parents & siblings are normal eaters.

   Maybe our theories of what constitutes normal eating is overrated.🤷‍♀️


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Posts: 1,987
Registered: ‎05-13-2021

Re: Children not eating

[ Edited ]

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

   My adult son has a close childhood friend who basically eats pancakes,French fries & white rice. He's 30 years old has a professional job & when he takes clients out to expensive restaurants he will only order rice or fries.

   He's very healthy. He doesn't look thin or undernourished.He's engaged & his fiancé is used to him eating these foods & doesn't seem to mind.

  When he was a kid we often wondered if he would be able to survive on that diet. It apparently hasn't affected his health or success in life.His parents & siblings are normal eaters.

   Maybe our theories of what constitutes normal eating is overrated.🤷‍♀️


@NicksmomESQ  My DH ate a very restricted diet when I met him, claiming allergies to chicken, fish, turkey and all vegetables except for three. No salads either.. He got this from his mother. She ate only beef, pork and potatoes, loved fried foods the l best.  My DH and his mother both had skin problems and lackluster hair.

Your son's friends's fiance may not appreciate having to make two different dinners every night if she is the one doing the cooking.  After I was married ten years, I told my DH he could make his own food or be tested by an allergist.  He chose the latter. Of course he was not allergic to any of those foods. He still refuses to eat turkey.  His skin and har are great now, he loves chicken, salad and vegetables.