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I have a 29 year old son who is autistic, albeit at this point is high functioning.  He has a college degree, good paying job, nice sporty car and is good looking, if I say so myself.  😊


He seems to have trouble meeting young ladies.  He dabbled with some online dating, but either it didn't work out on his part or theirs;  he is a member of a group from our church but again, the prospects are slim pickings as they already have a boyfriend or the ones he is interested in are not interested in him and visa versa.  And at his workplace it is small office and not the kind of business where the public would be coming in.


So, I wondered where or what else he could try these days.  Of course, Covid isn't helping matters anyway, but hopefully we are seeing the light at the end of that tunnel. 😷

Just being a mom here and hoping for some suggestions.

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Hi!  Perhaps your son can do volunteer work on weekends at a local library to see if there are any young women in his community reading books.  Or, he could volunteer with another local group (like Habitat for Humanity, or something similar) needing volunteers.  He might meet the mother or father of someone who might want their daughter to meet him, even.  Who knows?  


He should seek out opportunities to meet other people at events of some kind, involving activities he enjoys, whatever they might be, too.  Perhaps the local newspaper or state newspaper (could be online, too) has listings of events, although these are likely limited due to the pandemic. Every state has different limitations, and it is not easy meeting someone for the first time wearing a mask, if that is what is required in your state.


I wish your son luck in meeting someone nice.  Tell him not to give up on the dating sites (or is it apps?), either.  Someone wonderful might just turn up one day.  

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Registered: ‎04-25-2020

@Jersey Born  Thank you for the suggestions!  Those are some great ideas!  I will pass on the information to him.  


By the way, my dad was "Jersey Born" also.  Good stuff 😉

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Registered: ‎08-19-2014

 @SloopJohnB    It's normal for young people to have trouble meeting someone. I too have a 29 year old son. For several years he complained about the dating pool.Whenever he got discouraged I would remind him of his many attributes.I would tell him to keep trying because it only takes meeting that one person to change his life.

  Three years ago it happened.He met the perfect young woman. They were married last fall. They met  through a young professionals website.

   Please keep encouraging your son. He sounds like a lovely young man. His special someone is out there. Perhaps he can join a group, either online or in person connected to his line of work or a hobby he might enjoy.


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@NicksmomESQ  Thank you for the advice and encouragement.  And congrats on their Fall wedding!  


When you mentioned young professionals website, is that a dating website or just something related to their jobs?  Or is it like LinkedIn?


P.S.  I'm a Nick's mom, too.  

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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 @SloopJohnB   It's a dating website for young people under 35. Who already have or are pursuing advanced degrees. My son was in law school & my DIL was completing her MBA.


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@NicksmomESQ  Okay, great.  Thank you for the info.

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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There might be a forum for singles cruises if/when they happen again. There might be ones tailored to his age range and/or values (ie volunteer based, christian, etc). He good get to know people beforehand and it would be something to look forward to?


Is there a group affiliated with his alma mater he could join?

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Registered: ‎04-25-2020

@ThinkingOutLoud  Those are some great ideas.  I will have him look into those.  Thank you!


Our last dog was named Cookie......


So far, every poster I have/had some connection to their

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Posts: 3,180
Registered: ‎05-01-2020

Had something else come to mind - if the gyms in your area are open, maybe that's an option??