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That is just plain greedy and narcissistic to me. Do you have such a big ego that you need to be known as the only person who can make a certain dish properly? Is it that important to you? Are recipes more important than friends?

I would never dream of sabotaging a recipe. When you have company over, the idea is to share a pleasant meal and good times with friends...not to act like you are some Prima Donna chef. Requesting a recipe is paying you a huge compliment. You should delight in sharing your recipes with others.

Some people do drugs. I do shoes....Celine Dion
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Gosh Born, for someone with your screen name, don't you think it's rather mean spirited to give someone a recipe that has been sabotaged? I'd much rather be told that you can't share the recipe than be given a bogus recipe. You're sending a friend off to waste their time and money making something that you know probably won't turn out well. SMH.
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On 3/8/2015 birkin baby said: BornAgain?? WWJD?? I kinda think ""J"" would share recipes and never be shady and omit ingredients. Lol!

I noticed the irony as well.

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I am proud if someone wants one of my recipes.

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Here's a funny, years ago I was on a food board and an internet friend told me her aunt made the best pecan pie in the world. She also said she'd see if her aunt would share. Turns out she copied it off the back of a bag of pecans. LOL I have no doubt that a lot of 'secret' recipes originate from the back of packages and tweaked here and there. I never consider a changed recipe my own.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Many years ago when I was in jr. high, a friend shared with me a chocolate chip cookie that her mom had made as part of the family catering business. It was SO GOOD I asked for the recipe (I was an avid baker early on, trying each recipe from my mom's Betty Crocker cookbook, to my family's delight). She gave me the recipe and when I baked the cookies, they weren't even close. Years later, looking back, I'm sure either she or her mother changed the recipe in order to protect the catering business. I can understand, but I just wish she would have said she couldn't share the recipe and save me the trouble and disappointment.

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Exactly, suzeecat!
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On 3/7/2015 marky said:

Sabotaged recipes reminds me of the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Marie gave Debra the wrong spices to use but changed the labels to appear to be the correct spices. She didn't want Debra to be able to make anything as good as she did. How horrible !!!

I thought about this episode too, marky. Very mean to deliberately give false info on a recipe. In my opinion, it would be better saying you didn't wish to share it.

I would never have a "secret" family recipe, unless we made our living off it (like the Busch's beans guy!).

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I was reminded of the 'Friends' episode about Phoebe's grandmother's chocolate chip cookie recipe. That was hilarious!

Anyway, I am saddened that some people (as I predicted early in the thread) feel compelled to name-call and insult anybody who won't, or can't, share their recipes. They have every right to their, or their family's, intellectual property. Sure, sharing is a good thing. I'm sure folks who don't give out family recipes to the masses share in other ways so it does NOT make them bad people.

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I used to work with a nurse who would bring a large pan of lasagna to every pot-luck at the hospital. When people would ask for the recipe she would always say it was a ""family secret"" when in fact she used to take her lasagna pan to a grocery store deli and have them bake their lasagna in it.