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I think that passing on your family recipes is a beautiful way to HONOR your family by giving pleasure to others. If, for some reason, you are not willing to share your family recipes, then DON'T bring those dishes to potlucks. And to "share" a recipe, but with a changed or omitted ingredients, is just rude and mean-spirited. "BornAgain," I think you need to think about this! Do unto others as ...

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I don't see anything wrong with sharing any recipe.It makes me feel great when asked and my friends say they call it mine when they serve it...that's pretty sweet.
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Is any recipe so good that it's worth taking to the grave?

I think it's a great compliment to be asked for a recipe. It seems like omitting a ingredient or step would likely be obvious in the finished product.

If a recipe is used to sell a product for profit, it would be proprietary information and in that instance, it would be proper to decline any requests.

Otherwise, don't be stingy, share the love! Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Sabotaged recipes reminds me of the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Marie gave Debra the wrong spices to use but changed the labels to appear to be the correct spices. She didn't want Debra to be able to make anything as good as she did. How horrible !!!

Posts: 65
Registered: ‎04-22-2011

Refusing to share is selfish and sabotaging a recipe is just....wacky and childish.

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Posts: 623
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
I am thinking I may not be saving/copying certain people's recipes! :/ I really think that omitting ingredients or changing a requested recipe is equal to a big fat LIE! Would those posting about their great recipes here be willing to post them? ??
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This reminds me of a little joke I read once in Reader's Digest. It described the tombstone of one of the best cooks in a small town. Upon it was engraved a simple recipe for her delicious homemade brownies. Under that was the sentence, "I told you all you'd only get this over my dead body! ... Love, Judy"

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Registered: ‎01-07-2014
On 3/6/2015 Nightowlz said:

I think they should be shared. What will it hurt. Wished I had all my moms recipes. After she died & dad remarried all moms stuff was thrown out, taken to good will etc. The woman my dad married did not want any of it in her house. Dad was not aware of this until after the fact. She should have gave us her recipes, cookbooks & other possessions. She even cut my mom out of family pics. Share them while you can.

I completely understand. My dad insisted my mother's belongings be removed from the house beginning a few days after her death. He wanted me to stay home and supervise strangers something and trashing my mom's stuff. My aunt came out and we went through several rooms, still have two more floors and a partially-purged room. It's been difficult; I wasn't ready but had no choice. Haven't even gotten to her cookbooks. Fortunately, those are still in the kitchen and family room. I think almost all her stuff came from magazine clippings, books, and Internet searches.
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

The whole "this is a secret recipe or family recipe and I don't want to give it out" is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Seriously, unless you are going to market and sell for financial gain, what's the big deal. Not only that, the fact that someone wants to copy your recipe is a form of flattery.

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Registered: ‎01-20-2011
BornAgain?? WWJD?? I kinda think ""J"" would share recipes and never be shady and omit ingredients. Lol!