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My hips have been hurting ever since our trip abroad.  I think all the walking we did espeicially walking on cobblestones did me no favors.  I have been to my chriopractor twice since the trip and that has helped but I decided to book a massage yesterday.  I used to have a membership where I got a massage each month but my regular massage therapist left and I could not find someone I liked so I did not renew my membership in January.  Well I took a chance on someone new and I am glad I did.  She was fantastic! She really did a great job massaging and stretching my hip and now it feels great!  I will defintely go back to her when I need a massage. 


We are having fish (me -cod, DH and DD salmon) rice and green bean salad. 

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Glad you're doing better, @ninjawife.  I believe when something happens to our feet and we compensate for it, everything else responds by getting out of alignment.  I've noticed that with my PF, there's been an unpleasant hip response.  I hope you keep up with the massages. I treat myself every month too.  

DH amd I shopped yesterday afternoon.  We're still recovering (tired) so we opted to to everything at one store (Meijer), but would you believe they had no fresh asparagus or Brussels sprouts?  We ended up at Aldi anyway and they had plenty.  I had to rifle through the asparagus, though, because many packages had super skinny pieces.  I did the best I could.  DH picked up a multipack of paper towels at Meijer and I told him "no".  The multipack was about $12 and I wasn't going to pay that.  At Aldi, he waited out in the car while I ran in.  I got the paper towels there for less than $8. 👍

We're being a little bad today.  I'm making a KF version of creamed chipped beef . I have low carb bread (not great ingredients) in the freezer that we'll make toast with. I'll make green beans or broccoli to go with it. It's not a great amount of protein so I'll also have a Chobani Zero Sugar Yogurt and maybe mix some protein powder in with it, and add some berries too.

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My husband requested sausage gravy, toast and applesauce tonight.  Tasted good to me!   

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I made spaghetti with meatballs, salad and garlic bread.  It's been raining most of the day here.  GS had a game tonight but it was cancelled. 


@Shihtzursqmom  yes it is terrible when the feet don't want to work!  Recently I ordered a pair of Keen sandles for the summer.  They are pretty comfortable!  The toes are covered which I like because I missed the pretty toe gene!  Lol


Have a good evening everyone!

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@lynnie61  cherry fluff sounds so good!   I haven't made that in a long time!

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Hubby making BLT's and avocado sands for dinner. 
watermelon and strawberries for desert.


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Registered: ‎09-20-2019
Chili over rotini with toppings: chopped onions, shredded cheese, crushed Fritos. Cool temps again today so we need a warming meal.

Need to head to the grocery tomorrow. It feels like I'm there so often. If only I were more
organized 🙄
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@2sisters   It was, and it made so much........but it is good and so easy.

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Registered: ‎06-02-2023
The enchiladas was so good last week my husband requested beef enchiladas tonight we had chili beans with them

2sisters I forgot to say I can wear Hokas shoes also
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We had grilled steak with assorted roasted veggies for dinner.



I feel like I have been to the store every other day too. I have actually gone in for a specific item, then throw in items I think we need. Come home, and no, we didn't need that item. Going to the store without a list never works out well for me. But everyone gets food in their tummy, so I ain't doing too bad....and neither are you!

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."