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Re: Whats cooking in december?

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No, I never buy thick pork chops; only bone in center cut.  I use the same method regardless of bone in, boneless, pork steak, pork cutlet, pork or beef cubed steak, and sirloin steak.  

If we want a plain bone in pork chop, I dredge, brown, and pop into a 400 degree oven for about 8-10 minutes.

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Posts: 543
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Whats cooking in december?

I am still working on cleaning out the freezer and had some taco meat so we had taco salads.  


@MOMMAVik @house_cat  @lynnie61  thank you so much. The only bad thing about having pets is saying goodbye.  

Have a good night everyone. 

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Re: Whats cooking in december?

Good Morning!  Last night on a dinner out with our BFFs I had beef short rib stroganoff.  It was good but not as good as the Beef Wellington we had two weeks ago.  DH had a Royale with Cheese which is what the French call a McDonald's Quarter Pounder.  He said it was pretty tasty. 


DD is staying in tonight.  She went out with friends on Thursday night and hasn't completely recovered yet.  We are ordering take out from the local Italian place.  


I am thinking of taking the tree down today as DD has the day off from work and she can help me. 

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Re: Whats cooking in december?

We've been enjoying my sister's family, relaxing, snacking, eating, playing some easy card games.  My niece's daughter (5 yrs.) has been spending time with me, doing puzzles on the iPad.  

There's a crowd here (DH and I are sleeping at a hotel).  She has four tri tip roasts ready for the smoker this afternoon and has a few side dishes planned.  

Be safe tonight, if you go out. 

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Re: Whats cooking in december?

Late lunch is Avocado Toast with crumbled bacon and fruit cup!

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Re: Whats cooking in december?

[ Edited ]

KFC for us tonight; we are soooo tired of ham and lasagna!   A safe and Happy New Year to all!

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Posts: 543
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Whats cooking in december?

I worked today and just picked up a pizza.  It was sleeting so I am happy to be home.  
Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year!

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Re: Whats cooking in december?

2sisters I am so sorry about your dog , they sure take a big piece of our hearts with them when they pass
We lost one of our dogs in Oct he was only ten and just got sick all of a sudden
He had just been to the vet and got his shots a couple days before I will always believe something was wrong with one of the shots

I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year
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Posts: 543
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Whats cooking in december?

@Shihtzursqmom @thank you so much and I'm sorry you lost yours. They sure do take a piece of our hearts.  We lost our beagle mix back in April.  You just miss them.  😢

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Whats cooking in december?

New Year's Eve we spent alone with just our granddaughter. I made spaghetti and meatballs with a spinach salad. 


Today is New Year's Day and I made pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes and cabbage, because my MIL always said you should have pork and cabbage on New Year's Day for good luck. She also makes black eyed peas, but I don't like them so I chose to ignore that part for the last 40 years, lol.


Tomorrow is finally a plain old Tuesday! Yay!  We'll be having grilled cheese sandwiches with a cup of chili each, because that's about how much chili I have in the freezer from last time I made it.


I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays.  We did, but I glad they're over and we're back to normal life.



~ house cat ~