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Re: Whats cooking in december?

Miserably wet and cool today. We are having grilled shrimp with fettuccine, small caprese salad and fresh breadsticks for our dinner tonight.

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Re: Whats cooking in december?

It is kind of snowing here but isn't really sticking to the ground ........60 * this weekend !

 I guess I will have leftover pizza (pepperoni and extra cheese) , a salad, Caprese sounds

good , and I still have 3 more Dove bars !

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Re: Whats cooking in december?



Pardon my ignorance and thank you for the explanation. The first thing that came to my mind was Susan Graver. I know she fancies herself a singer, but I didn't think she had time for a concert tour!

~ house cat ~
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Re: Whats cooking in december?

[ Edited ]

@wagirl wrote:

@kate2357 --I think one of my biggest problems with cooking is that my kitchen is so small that I end up with a huge mess no matter how careful I am. My kitchen is 7 ft x 8 ft---like a small closet!!  Just hate it!!! Very depressing! But also in a rut too. Woman Sad

@wagirl kitchen is about 30' by 40'.....and I hate it too !

when my husband was alive, he was in the restaurant business and we needed the room for all his stuff....real copper pots,stainless pots/pans, knives on top of knives, china and silverware 

for entertaining, napkins ,all the gadgets ( handheld) you can imagine, two freezers, etc. I do my cooking on a couple of nonstick pots I got from Amazon..The problem is that I don't cook the way he used too and don't entertain that much certainly not one or three times a week. Because I have all of this room, everything is spread out everywhere .....I hate it !


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Re: Whats cooking in december?

Today my daughter, 5 of our grandchildren and I had lunch at Olive Garden I just had the minestrone soup and salad
Afterwards we went shopping for foster kids Christmas off the Angel tree
Neither my husband or I was hungry so I just made tacos for supper

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Re: Whats cooking in december?

@Shihtzursqmom, How nice that you had a special lunch together & then did such a kind and generous shopping trip. Bless 🙏 you.
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Re: Whats cooking in december?

This evening my oldest grandson had his Christmas program at his school, he's in second grade and those kids were the cutest.At the end Santa made an appearance!

Anyway DH stopped at Subway on the way home I had Raisin Bran when we got back home.  There's a handful of fast food places I'll eat at and Subway isn't one.  

@house_cat I hope your DH feels better. Thank you for asking what SG stood for, I didn't know.  
@JeanLouiseFinch I agree you and DH keep busy which is great, that's a sweet story about finding the elves!


Cold and blah here but tomorrow we are suppose to get to 50 with hopefully some sun.  I would be ok with cold as long as the sun would be out.  I need the sun.  

Have a good night everyone!

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Re: Whats cooking in december?


Tonight we're having Chicken Tika Masala with rice and peas.  The sauce comes from a jar, but it's good enough to save me lots of time.




That makes perfect sense to me.  I see some of those kitchens on tv, and while they are usually beautiful, they don't always seem practical.  Those cabinets that go up to the ceiling would be useless to me. I'm a short person with short little legs, so my small kitchens have always served me well. I'm also the one who cleans my home and cleaning a kitchen that size would be overwhelming.  I'm sure yours is lovely and that it holds many precious memories.

~ house cat ~
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Re: Whats cooking in december?

Good morning everyone. Its cloudy and in the 20s right now. Yestauday I had leftover Chinese food for lunch and last night leftover soup.this weekend Ria will start making Christmas cookies .I just started wrapping rias gifts .my mom made a fruit cake for years but I haven't made it for a few years but this year I saw candied fruit in the market and I picked it up so I'm making it this year. Our air fryer died and a couple weeks ago Ria ordered one from Amazon on sale for 169.00 regular price 250.00. Its a 26 quart double door from Emerald lagasse. It does so many things compared to the old one.still getting use to it.have a great rest of the week everyone.

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Re: Whats cooking in december?

We're about an hour, or so, away from home.  It's chilly, but nice and sunny. The ride has been pleasant.  overdid the coffee yesterday so I was up quite a bit during the night. Earlier this week, my plan was to do a Costco and Aldi trip this afternoon or evening, but right now I'm thinking about blowing it off until tomorrow. We had the low carb bagels with cream cheese at the hotel this morning.  I broke my own rule about reading labels and forgot to check, but it turns out they're very high in protein. Consequently, neither of us are terribly hungry.  I think we're going to stop at Subway to pickup up a couple of No Bready Bowls and that'll be it for us.