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What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?

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I use a moistened terra cotta disc placed in my brown sugar container to keep it moist, and it works like a charm!😊

I always add a bit of cooking oil to butter when I am sauteeing or frying with it, and it keeps it from burning!


What are some of the useful things you do to make life easier in the kitchen?


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Re: What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?

when we moved into our Florida home, I carefully considered where the kitchen items would go. I placed everything in the drawers, cupboards, countertops where we would instinctively reach for them; where the items were stored in places that made sense. Six years later I have not needed to rearrange anything 

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Re: What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?

I set a kitchen timer for chores that I hate doing- that way it turns into a fun game of

"beat the clock" instead of just doing the dishes or cleaning the bathrooms Smiley Very Happy

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Re: What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

I set a kitchen timer for chores that I hate doing- that way it turns into a fun game of

"beat the clock" instead of just doing the dishes or cleaning the bathrooms Smiley Very Happy



I do the same thing.  Additionally when I have a timer set for food prep, i.e. turn the food, food is done, etc. I think what can I get done in that time.  Sometimes it works sometimes not lol.

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Re: What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?



LocknLocks everywhere for freshness both in cupboards and refrigerators.  Really extends the life of food.   


Alternating ready made & home made regularly.  No guilt.


The house was already built, so it's not my design but the efficient triangle appliance set-up saves so much time.  .  Refrigerator dishwasher stove / range perfect distance from each other.  


Love the Oster French Doors we call it the "Easy Bake" oven ha.  We have the large normal size convection oven stove but never use it as the easy bake sits on the counter with the light on constantly, easy to see the food cook and adjust if necessary.  Quicker cooking too. 





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Re: What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?

@smoochy wrote:

when we moved into our Florida home, I carefully considered where the kitchen items would go. I placed everything in the drawers, cupboards, countertops where we would instinctively reach for them; where the items were stored in places that made sense. Six years later I have not needed to rearrange anything 

@smoochy Welcome!🥰  I think it is WONDERFUL that you have not had to rearrange your kitchen after 6 years!😊 I have a tendency to rearrange things in the kitchen, but I think it is just my OCD.😁 I will sometimes reach for a bowl, pan, or food item and it will look crooked to me or out of place, so I will pull all of them out and eventually the ENTIRE shelf or pantry is rearranged!😄


THANK you SO much for caring to share your tip today!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

I set a kitchen timer for chores that I hate doing- that way it turns into a fun game of

"beat the clock" instead of just doing the dishes or cleaning the bathrooms Smiley Very Happy

@SportyShorty07 Welcome! I LIKE that idea!😁  It would be especially helpful for making dish washing much less of a chore for children who strongly dislike dish duty!!❤


THANK you SO much for caring to share your favorite tip today!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?

@rockygems123 wrote:

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

I set a kitchen timer for chores that I hate doing- that way it turns into a fun game of

"beat the clock" instead of just doing the dishes or cleaning the bathrooms Smiley Very Happy



I do the same thing.  Additionally when I have a timer set for food prep, i.e. turn the food, food is done, etc. I think what can I get done in that time.  Sometimes it works sometimes not lol.

@rockygems123  Excellent tips- kitchen timers are the best! They keep me on track and make me do more in a certain amount of time. I have had some timer mishaps though!  Sometimes I set multiple kitchen timers if I'm cooking different things- which doesn't always work out if I forget which timer is set for each dish Smiley Wink.  I run into a kitchen with two or three timers going off and I look back and forth at the timers like I'm watching a ping pong match Smiley LOL.   

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Re: What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?

@SandySparkles wrote:

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

I set a kitchen timer for chores that I hate doing- that way it turns into a fun game of

"beat the clock" instead of just doing the dishes or cleaning the bathrooms Smiley Very Happy

@SportyShorty07 Welcome! I LIKE that idea!😁  It would be especially helpful for making dish washing much less of a chore for children who strongly dislike dish duty!!❤


THANK you SO much for caring to share your favorite tip today!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

@SandySparkles  Thank you Sandy Sparkles! Kitchen timers are so great for kids and  grown ups who hate dish duty Smiley Very Happy! I never grew out of disliking chores, but now I've found a way to make them fun.  Sometimes I even reward myself with a little candy after I do all of my chores Smiley WinkSmiley Very Happy

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Registered: ‎06-13-2010

Re: What Is (Are) Your BEST Kitchen / Cooking TIPS Or Tricks?

@rockygems123 wrote:



LocknLocks everywhere for freshness both in cupboards and refrigerators.  Really extends the life of food.   


Alternating ready made & home made regularly.  No guilt.


The house was already built, so it's not my design but the efficient triangle appliance set-up saves so much time.  .  Refrigerator dishwasher stove / range perfect distance from each other.  


Love the Oster French Doors we call it the "Easy Bake" oven ha.  We have the large normal size convection oven stove but never use it as the easy bake sits on the counter with the light on constantly, easy to see the food cook and adjust if necessary.  Quicker cooking too. 





@rockygems123 Welcome!🥰 I concur about using LockNLock because it does keep foods fresher longer, and can help keep cupboards ORGANIZED! I LOVE for that reason!❤ 
Alternating ready made for homeade is a VERY useful tip when you are short on time!😄 Countertop ovens are a GREAT idea and can make a HUGE difference when it is warm in the house or because the heater is on!👍


THANK you SO much for caring to share yoour best tips today!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖