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Oh dear @SharkE my heart aches for yours.  You have spoken of him so much over the years.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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@SharkE   So So Sorry !  Smiley Sad

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So sorry for your loss your Husband suddenly, I will Keep you both in my Prayers & thoughts at this difficult time.


 I know how it is I lost my Husband suddenly  a long time ago now, 2003,  I had help for 

paperwork from his job,and my kids.then lost my only Daughter 2 years 4 months later .


Take it easy, one day at a time like another poster said there is so much to do, you have a nice group of friends at your Church to help you.

Take care, he will look out for you, and is at Peace with the Angels.



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@SharkE    My condolences dear lady.... i'm very sorry for your loss 

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Registered: ‎06-13-2017

@SharkE  So very sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers for you. 

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Registered: ‎04-14-2013


I hope you still have some things that can make you smile

Cogito ergo sum
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Registered: ‎06-26-2011

@SharkE   I am so sorry to hear of your husband's passing. You are quite a colorful and strong woman who lends a bit -- okay, a LOT -- of "character" to these boards! The red appliances, the quest for the perfect breadstick pan, the mystery of the stimulus checks, and all the other contributions you make have been missed. I hope you'll check in occasionally and someday once again regale us with your stories and opinions when/if you feel like doing so. We'll be here!

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

well, one of my latest forays into the 'real' world is learning how to pump gas.  I found a pump at the side where I had it to myself and saw a man that looked alright and went straight up to him and said "can you show me how to pump gas"? he looks at me and smiles like "what"?  and I said "my husband is dead and I've never did it" his smile fades he says "OK, pop that thing there on the inside of your car" I run in and pay for 20 worth on pump 3 and come out he's still there, he says "unscrew the cap", ok, I reach for the green nozzle he says "no, that's diesal, you want #86 and the black nozzle", so, I pick up the black nozzle insert into gas hole and push the handle till it shuts off.


couldn't figure out how to replace the nozzle he said "there up higher", so, ok, figure where it goes, replace the cap and remember "86, black nozzle" for next time.   Thank him he said "no problem" his wife was watching they were young and probably thought I was nuts, but, you do what you have to do.


so now I only go to Phillips 66 stations because it's what I'm used too.


mower wouldn't start, yard is getting out of control, so , the husband of my church friend came out said you need a new battery, go to walmart, buy the battery, he installs for free, shows me how to add oil and wash the filter. Ok, got that.  trouble is I got 2 1/2 acres and Tx this yr. is getting just enough rain to keep the grass coming, plus, we 've been having heavy morning dews.   so, I catch my neighbor out in the yard who has as much acreage as I go and ask her if her husband who has a tractor and bush hog if he would mind doing mine when he does his and of course I'll pay him. She hems and haws around and says how he's got more then he can handle with his own, blah, blah, so, I figure ok, so much for Christian beliefs.   So, Lord answered my prayers a sign appeared up on the crossroads advertising acreage wanted to mow, I hit the phone, and got him now to do the yard every other week and mow the bigger areas just as it needs it, let it grow.

2 different prices for the yard and the big expanse.


Then, I have to go to the financial end of things, take over the checkbook, order new checks with just my name, contact supplement plans tell them he won't need Plan G any more. go to my financial planner he pulls in all accounts under his company to make it easier

to keep track of all assets and the tax liability I'll be facing next yr.


cut off his long term care, he won't need it now. Funeral home tells the IRS he's dead I'm informed I'll be losing my benefit , but, will get his starting in July.  Call the drug plan tell them he won't need it any longer either. Paid off what few credit cards he owed and told them I had my own and to cut off his cards.   Finally get my 15 death certificates that everybody has to have or you can't get nothing done. distribute them to get the ball rolling.


Leak breaks out in the yard from my sprinkler system I call the landscaper place he comes out on thurs. "I don't know I shut it off and will come back on MOn. and figure it out".   Ok, Mon. comes , no call, no man, I call them.   "He's sick can't come out till maybe tues" .So, now my shrubs (this is Tx no such thing as steady rain)and trees some just planted last yr are looking pink-ed , so, I drag the 100 ft. hose around and water them that way.


I go to change the name on house title, told you have to get "affidavit to prove heirship" of course that means a real estate attorney you have to hire.  So, I said "what if I just leave as is"? she says "then if you die the one who is your executor of your estate will now have to remove the both of you in order to be able to sell it".   So, I don't want them to have to do that, so, I go to a lawyer he's not my cup of tea we don't seem to hit it off. He says "your free to go elsewhere" I say "No, that's OK, let's do it". (I figured I would owe him , plus, another one I'd have to dig up anyway).  So, now , I just respond with pat answers anything to get that da*n affidavit.   Hubbo had a will I get everything he's not intestate don't know why I need an affidavit to prove heirship in first place and I give him the death certificate, now, I"m told I need to get 2 witnesses to sign off they have known me for 10 yrs and I say I am who I say I am.   Ok, so, get couple of pals from my church to say they will do that.   It's not a strict probate, but, a 'light' probabte otherwise just a way to get money out of you and filing fees to take back to the appraisal district place and have my name only on the property tax.

Still waiting on that call may be August they said.


I think Medicare and the Supplement will take care of the 2 hrs of the stay he had in hospital. That will be down the road yet.


I could go on and on about how I couldn't find titles to house and cars, but, I'll be told to shut up and quit whining.  I paid a place 250 to clear out some exercise equipment and junk of his in the house garage. Still have more junk out in the pole barn. That will wait.

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

@SharkE    Thinking of you.  Sending prayers and hugs.  I’m sorry for you unexpected loss.  Take care!  

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Posts: 6,109
Registered: ‎04-14-2013

@SharkE I'm convinced no one really understands all the legal ramifications of this.  The rules get made up and changed all the time.  How tired you are and how much time you have to argue seem to be the deciding factor.


I can't even imagine the pain you are living through.  We do miss you here.

Cogito ergo sum