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Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have


I am going through cookbooks and getting rid of some. Again.  I have a number I got at library book sales, or was gifted and I haven't really looked at them.  I'm finding some winners tucked away--which is NOT helping the purging!


One is: Cooking With Regis and Kathie Lee, from 1993 and it has lots of good looking recipes from chefs that were on the show. It is absolutely. chock full of great looking and not too complicated recipes!


How about you?  Any weird cookbooks you love?


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Re: Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have

I have a cookbook called "Cooking With The Young & The Restless".   It has recipes from the various stars of that soap opera.  It was published in 1997.  


Another cookbook I have is called "The Absolute Beginner's Cookbook".  It sounds so silly for someone who's been cooking for years but it's filled with the best simple recipes that are so easy to make.  You don't need any fancy ingredients and it's loaded with great ideas.


I also have another very old Amish Cookbook.  I really don't make any of the recipes but the book is great just to browse through.

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Re: Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have

[ Edited ]

If anyone remembers the Nancy Drew mystery books from 50+ years ago, there's the official Nancy Drew cookbook that contains recipes of food mentioned throughout all the books.  It's really neat.

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Re: Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have

I had a beautiful cookbook that had a chapter each on 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s.  Each chapter had typical meals from the era, pictures and recipes.  I eventually passed it on to my son, the professional chef.

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Re: Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have

I have been searching for one of Dinah Shore's  cookbooks.  I recall that my late Mother and I had one many years ago. Does anyone here have one in their collection?


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Re: Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have

In the same vein I have Mr. Food --a taste of QVC food & fun from behind the scenes published in  1998 I use the baked corn recipe from DV . The one from Joan Rivers is toast Smiley Happy 2 slices of white bread /2 pats of butter --for special occasions she used raisin bread and called it "Joan Rivers Holiday Bread "Woman LOL


also "the Hour Magazine Cookbook " the most popular recipes compiled from Gary Collins television show. I loved that show when I was a child bride .the book was published in 1985.  There are several recipes I have used many times over.


I have Nikki & David Goldbeck's " American Wholefoods Cuisine" 1984. From the early whole foods was my bible for awhile. I still use it. Also many Rodale Publishing early cookbooks (Prevention Magazine.)


I keep the "Tightwad Gazettes 1/2/&3 because of the recipes.-- by Amy Dacyczyn--1990's


Purging of cookbooks is not something I am very gifted at. I know many people say "You can get any recipe you want online with just a bit of googling. " --sure but it is not the stroll down memory lane for me that checking out my collection of cookbooks is.

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Re: Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have

@patbz wrote:

I had a beautiful cookbook that had a chapter each on 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s.  Each chapter had typical meals from the era, pictures and recipes.  I eventually passed it on to my son, the professional chef.


That would be a great cookbook.  What a fun trip throught the years.  I'm sure your son really enjoyed seeing how cooking has changed over time.  

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Re: Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have

You all have some neat things!!!  I also have the little spiral bound recipe books from Virginia Olson that came with the Nesco roasters, and of COURSE Mary Beth's cookbooks, and I used to have one by Bob Bowersox!  


Wasn't Virginia Olson the best?

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Re: Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have

@Sooner wrote:

You all have some neat things!!!  I also have the little spiral bound recipe books from Virginia Olson that came with the Nesco roasters, and of COURSE Mary Beth's cookbooks, and I used to have one by Bob Bowersox!  


Wasn't Virginia Olson the best?


I had a small Nesco roaster that I purchased from QVC many years ago.  I didn't use it as much as I thought I would and donated it.  There's times that I could just kick myself for doing that.  


I agree with you that Virginia Olson was so much fun to watch.  She was so pleasant and down to earth.   

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Re: Share Some Odd or Obscure Cookbooks You Have

@okaywitheasypay  I have that same Mr Food cookbook.  I don't think I've ever made any of the recipes but it's a fun book to look through.  


I probably should donate it but I just can't get rid of it.  It's like a walk through the memories of QVC.  It's fun to remember many of the past hosts and vendors.