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Usually when that happens to me, my heart wasn't into it at the start.


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@LdyBugz wrote:

"Been there done that", many times.  Just to save everyone from the same mistake, do not make that chicken with peaches concoction from Ellie's Real Good Food.  Trust me, it's not real good!  Blech!  😠

@LdyBugz-Do you have any recommendations from Ellie's book that turned out well? I have the book, but never tried anything out of it-Smiley Happy

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I recently purchased the Kitchenaid Pasta Roller set with the hopes of making fresh pasta. It is a time consuming process for sure and I was kind of disappointed with the results. I made the spaghetti and it was just okay. I guess I'm too use to having the boxed stuff, but I plan on trying to make lasagne sheets, noodles for soups and casseroles and possibly ravioli.


I do a lot of meal prep, so I only have to make a big mess of my kitchen once a week. It really saves so much time during the week to have meals made ahead.

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@daisyk Oh I don't have her cookbook, sorry!  I got the recipe from her cooking show.  It looked like it would taste good, but it ended up being a peachy-chicken moosh and I just did not like the flavor of peaches with chicken.  I hope you find something good in her book.  Good luck! 

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There isn't enough room, LOL

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@QVCkitty1 wrote:

I'm just about done with multi- ingredient recipes. I made a dish with ramen noodles and spicy peanut sauce. The kitchen is a mess, and the results are just ok. The ingredient combination sounded delicious, but I assure you I'll never make it again. Just not enough pay off for the effort. Tell me some of your recipe disappointments. 

I've just about given up on trying new recipes.  For over a year I tried MANY new recipes and either my family didn't like them (picky) or they just weren't coming out right and required way too much work and ingredients.  I came across recipes from Taste of Home and Campbells and decided to give them a try because it was not a lot of ingredients and quick and easy to make.  To my surprise, my family really liked them.  Yes, they were shocked too after all the failures.  Here's the recipes I tried and from whre:

Dripping Roast Beef Sandwiches:  Campbells

Cheesy Enchilada Verdes:  Campbells

Chicken Chimichangas:  Taste of Home 

Hamburger Steaks:  Taste of Home


I plan on trying an Ina Garten recipe soon.  It's Penne Alla Vecchia Bettola.  

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@QVCkitty1---OMGosh-----I have had way too many horrible recipes to list here-----a waste of time ,energy, MONEY and food----now I only cook or try to cook, meals where the main dish is 6 ingredients or less--not counting the seasonings---I hate to cook anymore--my hands and fingers don't work right and the 2 people in my household are way to freaking picky----

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I love to try new recipes and have tried many lately since I am not eating out.  Some are big fails and others are delicious.  I am getting a grocery delivery today with the ingredients to try yet another new recipe.  


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Posts: 809
Registered: ‎07-17-2019

Now that I'm cooking, I have been trying recipes. Your GREEK SHRIMP was delicious!!!! My husband really enjoyed this one. Can't wait to make again. Than you.

But, this time I will buy shrimp with the shells removed!!!!

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I have never tried any from our Recipe board that I didn't like.  Some I over look because they have an ingredient I know I don't like, but I've had good luck with these!  We have some excellent cooks posting!