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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

If anyone has a tab break off - please email L&L.  I received the replacement lid Saturday, about 4 days after I emailed them explaining a tab broke off.  And I was way outside of warranty with that lid.

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Posts: 257
Registered: ‎02-11-2012

Hey, mothertrucker, my workaround for the Cat in the Hat (LOL!) challenge is to nest the containers together on top of their respective lids,instead of closed within each other.  This does add about 1/3 or 1/2 an inch of height to the 'nest.'  Much less locking and unlocking!  Woman Happy

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Posts: 192
Registered: ‎02-21-2015

I came close to ordering a set but then decided where in the world would I put them. My cabinets are so full of L&L. I really need to throw out the ones that are stained and the ones that the lids tabs are broken. I think we all have bought so many that L&L has lost some of the original care they had when they first started them. I got some that came in on Noah's Ark and the tabs have not worn out at all. The newer ones even before you use them you can see at the seam they are sorta white and usually, it doesn't take them long to break off. I buy meats in bulk and they come in handy for freezing etc. 

I sent this message from the last living brain cell I have.