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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

@Cats3000 wrote:

Vermont Baking Company.  A local (regional?) brand here in New Hampshire.  Wonderful.

My new favorite!  We are in NJ.


I was always a die-hard fan of Thomas's until I tried Vermont.


Every year we get a gift basket from Wolfermann's and I wish it would stop.  They're too thick and too dense.  I tried once to use them up in a bread pudding and that was an epic fail.

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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

@momtochloe wrote:

@RespectLife wrote:

@KimmC wrote:

BTW...I'm not sure if they are regional or not..I live in WNY..





Me too!  WNY!  I had never heard of them and now I am intrigued!  If my dear buddy 'ol pal @momtochloe recommends them....I gotta join the hunt!



You haven't been able to find them in Super Walmart, Tops or Wegmans??


I never shop at Target and was wondering if you have looked elsewhere.

Tee hee @RespectLife for me these muffins are totally different from any other I have had and was a must have for my mom.  They are much lighter and airier than regular english muffins which I personally enjoy.


@IamMrsG posted a great recipe that we can make them ourselves.  I am planning on trying to make them but I need to buy a couple of things before I do so . . . Smiley Happy



Oh yes @momtochloe!  Please do try @IamMrsG 's recipe!  I can't wait to hear how they come out!  I had never even thought to make english muffins from scratch!!


I'll take a dozen!

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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

For the gluten free people...


I have been enjoying these (not cheap- about $1 per muffin).

I found them at Food Lion, which is the only place I have seen them so far.


I also like these, but these are getting harder to find.

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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

I love the English muffins McDonalds has!  

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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

Ironically, I just bought some Bay's at walmart this morning...

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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

For those who can't find Bay's English Muffins, check the refrigerated (not frozen) section of your supermarket. That's where they are in my supermarket (part of the Kroger chain). Other English muffins are in the bread section and are not refrigerated.

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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

As I was reading through this, I was thinking two things:

1) man, I have to look for Bays

2) what's the brand name of my favorite?

so I got up and looked in the fridge (here's where I feel like a fool!) apparently Bays is my favorite that I buy each week!  Sourdough is my personal favorite toasted crispy and topped with smashed avocado

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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

[ Edited ]

One of my favorite bread products is Thomas' English Muffins, but so many people mentioned liking the Bays brand that I finally spotted them by accident in the refrigerated butter/egg aisle of a local grocery store (Giant Food).


I was a little puzzled that the sell-by (or use-by or best-by) date on the package said October 10.  That's a lot longer than ANY other bread product will last, even when refrigerated, in my experience,


Anyway........I bought them and just toasted my first one.  Like the texture very much, although they aren't as light and airy as my favorite Thomas brand.  Flavor, not  liked so much.  Has a distinct metallic taste to me.  A look at the ingredient list reveals a possible reason that they supposedly last so long in the fridge and taste a little less like bread should.  Lots and lots of chemical-sounding ingredients in those muffins. 


A package of Bay's muffins cost the same as a package of Thomas', so there is no savings in buying Bays where I shop most often.


My opinion only..  If Bays are your muffins of choice, happy eating!

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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

@novamc1 wrote:

One of my favorite bread products is Thomas' English Muffins, but so many people mentioned liking the Bays brand that I finally spotted them by accident in the refrigerated butter/egg aisle of a local grocery store.


I was a little puzzled that the sell-by (or use-by or best-buy) date on the package said October 10.  That's a lot longer than ANY other bread product will last, even when refrigerated, in my experience,


Anyway........I bought them and just toasted my first one.  Like the texture very much, although they aren't as light and airy as my favorite Thomas brand.  Flavor, not  liked so much.  Has a distinct metallic taste to me.  A look at the ingredient list reveals why they supposedly last so long in the fridge and taste a little less like bread should.  Lots and lots of chemical-sounding ingredients in those muffins.  I was rather shocked. 


On top of that, a package of Bay's muffins cost the same as a package of Thomas', so there is no savings in buying Bay's where I shop most often.


My opinion only..  If Bay's are your muffin of choice, happy eating!

Ok my friend @novamc1 I just bought a package of Thomas' English muffins as I am almost out of my free loaf of bread (with coupon!) from my local grocery store . . . Smiley Happy


Seriously, looking forward to trying them!

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Re: Let's talk English Muffins . . . :)

[ Edited ]

@AKgirl2 wrote:

Bays?  I wonder if they're just regional...I don't believe I've seen them when I lived in NY or UT or AZ... I would love to try them though per your high recommendations.      @AKgirl                                     

I have enjoyed them at my daughters house in California!

She buys them at her local super market!!Woman Happy