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Why not leave them alone?! I hate it! My body never adjust to this time. I just heard on the news this morning that a study was done showing 25% more heart attacks during the week after DST. There was a 21% decrease after clocks were turned back.😲

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I am a huge fan of DST and love the additional light at night.  It is so depressing for me when it's dark at 5:00 p.m. and the night drags on.  Give me daylight!!

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Yes, I'm another fan of DST! I also love the extra daylight in the evening! How boring would life be if we had the same time all the time like some other states? I love variety!

"Pure Michigan"
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Every year since 1999 I have closed my office on Mondays from Christmas until early March for three day weekends.  Today is my first Monday back since before Christmas and with the time change Saturday night, a baby shower on Saturday and hour away I feel there as been no weekend at all.  Next weekend cannot get here fast enough for me.  I do love three day weekends always do again each year from Memorial Day until July 4th, so I will just dream.  But the time change stinks.

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Since we have moved them forward how about we just leave it & do away with Daylight Savings. 

I think we would all be better off with it not getting dark so early in the winter.

I heard our state was thinking about not changing ours back after this change but guess I will have to wait & see what they decide to do.

I have always thought they had this backwards anyways. If you have less daylight in the summer maybe it would not be 80° at midnight. Same in the winter it won't get cold as fast if you have more daylight. Everyone would save on their bills IMO. 

I still prefer to have more Daylight every day. I don't like it when it gets dark earlier. Makes your day short.

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Why not leave them alone?! I hate it! My body never adjust to this time. I just heard on the news this morning that a study was done showing 25% more heart attacks during the week after DST. There was a 21% decrease after clocks were turned back.😲

@Starpolisher ITA. The older I get the longer it takes me to adjust. I did just get adjusted to the last one & now they changed it again. LOL!!! Don't think I will have as much problem this time since there is more sunshine.

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It wasn't too long ago that standard time started on the 3rd weekend of October and daylight savings started the first weekend in April so roughly 6 months apart.. Now standard begins the first weekend of November and daylight savings the 2nd weekend of March, so roughly 4 months of standard time vs. 8 months of daylight savings.....Standard time is getting phased out which is fine by me.

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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Living in a collage town, I was at once amused and saddened by the exclaimation of a student looking at a wall mounted sundial and exclaiming that the sun was off by an hour.  Yeah, who forgot to reset the Sun!  Wonder if he Ever figured it out?