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I could never be a host on the Q because

I could never talk about a turntable as long as they have tonight. My presentation would be short and sweet. Here folks is a wonderful way to organize those messy storage  areas in your home. It is a good product and tonight a great price. Enjoy

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Re: I could never be a host on the Q because

I couldn't talk long time about bras.

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Re: I could never be a host on the Q because

It's all a game.  They just put themselves on autopilot and let it rip.  Seriously, just give a good hard listen to some of the nonsense that emanates from their mouths.  

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Re: I could never be a host on the Q because

I couldn't be a host because I would have to sell  many items I  don't like and wouldn't wear or use or eat. 

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Re: I could never be a host on the Q because

For a home shopping network, hosts are critical; however, other retailers are successful without them.  So, how necessary are they in the overall retail scheme of things?  


Coming from that perspective, no I wouldn't want to be a host.  I don't think sales are that important other than taking care of the transaction in a store.  I'd rather sales people stay as far away from me as possible.  If a sales person followed me around a store, I walked out.  


I wouldn't want to use sales tactics to get people to buy.  I think it's underhanded, but since they work, I understand why they are used.  I just don't want to be one using them.   


Lastly, I'm not one who seeks public favor or subjects myself to constant criticism.  


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Re: I could never be a host on the Q because

I can't imagine talking about most products for as long as hosts have to. I have wondered if they go numb doing it.

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Re: I could never be a host on the Q because

That's the entertaining part of QVC - watching sales pros blah blah to no end about inane products and cheap Asian imports.  Some are better at it - much better actually - than others.

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Re: I could never be a host on the Q because

I tell the truth and could never say an item was great when it's a piece of junk!


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Re: I could never be a host on the Q because

@ValuSkr wrote:

That's the entertaining part of QVC - watching sales pros blah blah to no end about inane products and cheap Asian imports.  Some are better at it - much better actually - than others.

it's a definite skillset one that you either have or don't, as we have seen 


I could not do it either 

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Registered: ‎05-15-2014

Re: I could never be a host on the Q because

I could never do it because I laugh too much.........I would crack up during a presentation of some item so stupid and utterly useless, then I would most likely be let go, LOL!