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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

maria is my we dont have kids. our dog coco and the cat chelsea we use to have are like our kids.i allways say with 2 italian women in the house how could food here not be good.we live above my inlaws.amd her parents are from italy.maria and her brother was born here and her older brother and sister was born in italy.just sorted laundry and will be doing 3 loads. hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

@Danky wrote:

Good Morning--- no rain yet just a little overcast. Actually a pretty nice morning.

@mousiegirl---I meant to ask if you make your own flatbread. The tomatoes sound so delicious I can almost taste them. I only have little tomatoes this year and no other veggies. Every year since my DH died I tell myself this is the year I get back on track with seasonal decorating and it never happens. 

The guys that take care of the property do put out tons of mums so that's something.

@Winifred----I always have frozen meals in the house usually Marie Callender or Hungry Man. When they are on sale 5/$10 , I stock up. I really like them for when I just don't want to cook or want to have a bigger lunch.

Last week I bought 20 Banquet because they were .75 each. They are good when I am not very hungry.

@Pooky1---As I am typing this I am doing laundry. Your menu for the week sounds yummy....I'd have no problem eating at your house.

My DH was not really fussy about food but he didn't like Chinese. So now I have it much more frequently and I love it. Who is Maria ? Also, do you too have kids in the house ?

I have a small boneless pork loin in the fridge so I will stuff that and serve with fresh roasted cauliflower and roasted potatoes. 

@1905salad----congratulations on your awesome win ! 



@Danky  I have made flatbread, pretty easy, but I buy it now, easier still. Smiley Happy

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

I have NEVER seen Marie Calendar or Hungry Man dinners for that kind of sale price. They both are regular $3 each out here. Ridiculous. We use to get Banquet occasionally for 69 cents each. They shrunk those dinners AND added more money to the cost - now you are lucky to get those little small things for 4 for $5. Really small now. Oh well.ANother frozen dinner meal - Ricky wore me out - he was having a lot of trouble today. He is now back at Sherry's and I have Leah as I have to take her to her first dentist visit tomorrow a.m. Then I will have both back for several days. That is very hard for me to have both. Shannon use to be a good help - those days are gone. The biggest problem is getting her to zip her lips. Yikes! 


Hope all had a great day - never got hot today.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

@Winifred wrote:

I have NEVER seen Marie Calendar or Hungry Man dinners for that kind of sale price. They both are regular $3 each out here. Ridiculous. We use to get Banquet occasionally for 69 cents each. They shrunk those dinners AND added more money to the cost - now you are lucky to get those little small things for 4 for $5. Really small now. Oh well.ANother frozen dinner meal - Ricky wore me out - he was having a lot of trouble today. He is now back at Sherry's and I have Leah as I have to take her to her first dentist visit tomorrow a.m. Then I will have both back for several days. That is very hard for me to have both. Shannon use to be a good help - those days are gone. The biggest problem is getting her to zip her lips. Yikes! 


Hope all had a great day - never got hot today.

@Winifred----I am a huge sale/coupon grocery shopper. We have double coupons and friends save me theirs from the Sunday papers, so that results in my getting stuff for free. What I don't use I give away.Just got 4 boxes of Zataran's rice and 4 tubes of Crest today absolutely free....The Banquet are small but they taste good and they make a good little meal for me. I just had the sweet and sour chicken.

You must be physically and emotionally exhausted. The youngest "kid" I deal with on a daily basis is my BF who is almost 30 years younger than I am and HE wears me out ! LOL

I never made the pork roast. One of the Grands asked if I would take them to Wendy's for a late lunch so that was that.....Tonight I only wanted something small.

@Pooky1-----tomorrow night I know what you and Maria will be doing !

Same as I.....the end of Big Brother. I guess you had a close call with Jose.

I was told yesterday that Watch Hill (where my summer cottage is )had a weather alert but it seems to have been cancelled. Let's see what Maria does...















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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

Image result for happy wednesday images

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Registered: ‎12-23-2015

Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

good morning all.danky you got that right. big brother tonight. you plan on watching big brother all stars thats coming in january ? i read its going to be a shorter version. 7oclock and allready have dish washer running. i dont run it at night. maria said i cant stand hearing it at night so i run it in the morning and llready went over checkbook. i veiw it on line every day but just write stuff in book like weekly.and i will be starting tomato sauce soon so whem maria is ready to make lasagna roll ups sauce will be ready for here.hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

Good Morning @Pooky1 to you and Maria--- I am an early riser also. I prefer getting chores and errands done in the beginning of the day. 

Bet your sauce will be yummy...I am really in the mood for lasagna so I think 

I'll make it next week. I must admit I use jarred sauce, though.

You've accomplished more than I have today. I had some leftover wonton soup for breakfast, made a gallon of sweet iced tea and read the paper ! Now I'm watching the destruction of Puerto Rico on GMA. So sad...

I may not know who the celebrities are but I will definitely watch BB. As one of my poster friends told me, we don't know the contestants on regular BB either. I've never missed a season since it began. 

Going to throw in a load of blankets...getting ready to make up the beds for the winter. If you're around, I'll talk to you later.

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Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

Preds, we have missed your daily greetings and was delighted to see you here this morning. Good news for us all. Hope everything is well in your home.


Plumb cold this morning. Am bracing for the day's activities. Hope it goes well.


I should put a roast in the slow cooker - sure makes life easy as today will be a busy Freeway day. Ugh!! Do not like getting out there as it seems now you cannot get on the freeway without seeing an accident. Too many trucks on the road - am convinced that is a major problem now. Distributions buildings every where you turn - times have changed.


Have a good day one and all.

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Registered: ‎12-23-2015

Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

we have only been watching big brother for like 5 years.i washed both our comforters on monday. i allways use alot of snuggles fabric sofener with comforters. we love the smell and first few days the dog smells like the snuggles bear.maria made the 17 lasagna rolls for dinner. i tryed 1 and it was super good. and ran dishwasher twice today.have a great day everyone.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Hey everyone, special cooking for September 2017???

Morning all,

Just about afternoon here in Indiana 11;58...Hi, Winifred, miss you. Just emotionally hard to come here. Partly because I'm cooking for one which is difficult.


Weather is suppose to be warm today and tomorrow. 87 today when we have been in the love 70's which I love.


Trees are starting to turn and there is a feel of Fall in the air. Makes me want to make something with pumpkin. I have a good pumkin dessert recipe which I will make on Saturday. Have some gal friends in Sunday night.

Here is the recipe:

Pumpkin Dessert

  • Ingredients


    • 1 can (15 ounces) solid-pack pumpkin
    • 1 can (12 ounces) evaporated milk
    • 3 eggs
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 4 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
    • 1 package yellow cake mix (regular size)
    • 3/4 cup butter, melted
    • 1-1/2 cups chopped walnuts
  • Directions


  • 1. In a large bowl, beat first five ingredients until smooth.
  • 2. Transfer to a greased 13-in. x 9-in. baking dish. Sprinkle with cake mix and drizzle with butter. Top with walnuts.
  • 3. Bake at 350° for 1 hour or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. serve with whipped cream.