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When I do a big meal like Easter, I make enough for leftovers.  It's nothing to add a few potatoes to potato salad or get a little larger ham for another dinner and sandwiches.  I also send enough for DS and fam to have another meal or two.  They look forward to it.

DH is looking forward to strawberry short cake this evening.


Do you have leftovers?

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I always cook with leftovers in mind. I rarely cook for just one meal. We have tri tip, mashed sweet potatoes, mashed regular potatoes, green beans and amaretto cheesecake leftovers. 

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Yes.  I always try to get a spiral ham to have some leftovers, not a lot, we get tired of it quick, but some.  I bought some croissants to make ham & swiss sandwiches warmed in the oven.  We'll also have ham & eggs (perhaps omlettes) and maybe one more time as a ham dinner with 2 different sides than we had for Easter, if I have enough.

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Since I had a salad yesterday, the answer for me would be no, no leftovers.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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@ECBG  Lots of leftovers. My SILs took some leftovers home for family members who couldn't come to our gathering due to work or illness. DH took all the leftover pies and cakes to work (they are gone already!). I've got the spiral ham bone cooking away for broth. I'll make a ham and veggie soup with the leftover crudities, corn and limas (and whatever else is in those half-used packages in the freezer.


Finally, I diced up some ham and cheese to put into a chef's salad for DH's lunches this week. The mashed potatoes are almost gone, and they will probably get tossed.

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I made extra of just about everything so everybody could take food home and still have leftovers for DH and myself.

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oh yes!


cheesecake for breakfast!



~~today may be my last.....i choose JOY!~~
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@TheMemphisVette wrote:



oh yes!


cheesecake for breakfast!



WOW, yum! 

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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

We ate at my sister's home with the family. I don't care for ham, so no leftovers for us. 

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Registered: ‎07-15-2016

Funny you should mention leftovers!


As I type - some are nuking for my (late) lunch.


(busy morning .... dentist and then 2 hours of closet switching .... which is about all I can stand to do at one time)