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We watched David's new show and began noticing some things that were a bit odd. Anytime a Chef or Vendor cooks something, he always has to jump in and put something on the dish,  salt & pepper or some kind of sauce. Last night when Chef Ricky Roman finished a dish, he almost knocked him down, running to beat him to the parmesan cheese to sprinkle on the finished dish! He called CPR over to try the nut mix and then told her which two to try, ( there were 5 choices). We found that he frequently interrupted the Vendor and that felt rude after so many times of it. Could be that maybe it's time to retire and relax,  away from the repetitive lines, phrases and dancing that his shows have become. 

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I saw that too. He is constantly interrupting, it came off as rude many times. I find he does not look into the camera directly, but looks off to the side, maybe he is looking at the monitor to see the image the viewers see? I was saying to myself, "I'm over here". Strange show.

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Re: Dinner with David

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I've been saying that something seems 'wrong' with David.


He looks so somber at times, like he doesn't want to be there.


Maybe he's tired of dieting.

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It's a very odd, almost uncomfortable format.


David hovers over and around vendor guests that seem held hostage with forced smiles.  Then of course he has to interfere in their cooking trying to look like the expert and their boss.


He tells "CPR" what to taste, when to talk, when to breathe (OK, that's an exaggeration).  He calls Chelsea and Rachel "mentees" in his Coffee Talk that I caught 5 minutes of this morning.  He did speak very highly of them.  I wanted to see if he shed more light on that new format show.  


By the way, David will have a special Dinner with David Sunday evening, after the regular ITKWD.  Geoffrey Zakarian will be his guest in the later Dinner with David, cooking an entire meal (if David can resist getting in the way).


Sorry, the new format show is a little cringy to me.  Won't be watching.  

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Re: Dinner with David

[ Edited ]

@KG60 wrote:

We watched David's new show and began noticing some things that were a bit odd. Anytime a Chef or Vendor cooks something, he always has to jump in and put something on the dish,  salt & pepper or some kind of sauce. Last night when Chef Ricky Roman finished a dish, he almost knocked him down, running to beat him to the parmesan cheese to sprinkle on the finished dish! He called CPR over to try the nut mix and then told her which two to try, ( there were 5 choices). We found that he frequently interrupted the Vendor and that felt rude after so many times of it. Could be that maybe it's time to retire and relax,  away from the repetitive lines, phrases and dancing that his shows have become. 

Did not watch the whole show but will agree with you @KG60 .  Once again I thought David was rude to Chef Rick Roman when he had to add his touch to a dish that he didn't even prepare,very childish actions for a grown man. Looked like the vendor looked up to the camera with a grin like here he goes again adding his two cents.Seen others looking very  uncomfortable with him on the cooking shows.

There have been other times he even was staring so at the food  and the carmera has caught him and then  giving orders to other hosts to eat this or that,so bossy he has become.

Seems like he has taken his diet to a level where he is not comfortable with himself around foods and that is his job to sell . I myself know it's hard being around food when you are trying to keep what you have lost off then maybe just time to sell kitchen items and no food, bcause it looks like torture doing food items.

Even heard him say to Dawn for the TSV Heartland Fresh Chicken that he uses pork rinds as the coating when he makes chicken ,that means he doesn't eat the TSV that he is selling,think that was not necessary for him to say,she looked a bit surprised hearing that said.


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Re: Dinner with David

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Poor David!❤ It saddens me to read of the not so flattering critiques. I just thought he has been a little tired lately because he works so hard.🥰 Without knowing more, I just hope that he is ok, and that something more serious is not responsible for any notable change in his demeanor!🤞🤞 I still LOVE him.😁



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

Posts: 33
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I really feel bad for him as well.  I used to enjoy watching his shows but over the last year I can only watch for a few minutes and then I have to go onto something else.


I think it would be a tremendous improvement to the show if he would not call his "mentee" over to taste the food.  It just emphasizes the fact that he will not eat the food he's selling and to that point neither should we.


Perhaps limiting his shows to 2 hours and selling only gadjets/appliances would help keep him on track with his health journey.  It would also relieve some of the emotional difficulty that he's experiencing and we're all seeing having to be around the food.  It's very sad but hopefully for his well being and his long tenure with QVC some changes to his presentations can be made.

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Re: Dinner with David

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Whether it's ITKWD or this new name it's really gotten boring to me.  It's just an extension of food presentations all day on Wednesdays.


I was so glad I recorded last nite as I didn't see one thing I'd be interested to buy (certainly not food) and David looked bored to death ... I'd be too if I had to present the same things over & over again.


At least, he nibbles now without lecturing about his low carb diet🙂

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I have not seen him lately. I had to stop watching due to all the information already provided here.

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Re: Dinner with David

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I feel like David has been acting like a boss for a long time. For example, instead of engaging with the TV audience, he is fixated on looking at the monitor off to the side of his stage.  And then he demands specific angles or camera shots and will just stand there pointing and refusing to continue on until the camera operator complies. He overtalks everyone instead of letting the conversation flow naturally and speed talks to the point that he slurs words and stutters.


I don't enjoy watching his shows anymore. I tuned in for a minute last night to see if the new format would make for a better presentation, but I felt like David was even more aggressive and controlling.