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Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

My mom wasn't an adventurous cook. She had a small handful of things she made well and didn't stray from them.

Everyone knew her for her eggplant parmesan. I don't use many of her recipes, but I've stuck to that one.

How about you?


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Re: Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

my mom made simple things but they were all very good....oddly...she made the best burgers around....everyone loved them....they were thick...juicy....and huge....

Happy Mothers Day.....

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Re: Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

Gyoza, a Japanese version of the Chinese dumpling. She always made them for holidays and birthdays.

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Re: Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

Chicken and Noodles

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Re: Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

Everything she made was delicious. When invited to BBQ's or other dinners she would take a jar of her homemade pickles and either potato or macaroni salad. No recipe, but delicious.

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Re: Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

My mother made a fancy, rich banana pudding that she often took to church dinners. It was such a big hit and was the dessert that was gone before any others. I don't even like banana pudding but liked this one.

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Re: Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

My mother always made the best Baked Mac & Cheese. Anytime anyone had a get- together she was always asked to bring that dish.

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Re: Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

I loved my mother's mac & cheese. She did not make it often, but when she did it was baked using using layers of different cheese. The cheeses were always something other than the American, orange cheddar, or yuk Velveeta. Her white cheese version was my favorite.

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Re: Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

On 5/10/2014 Trix said:

I loved my mother's mac & cheese. She did not make it often, but when she did it was baked using using layers of different cheese. The cheeses were always something other than the American, orange cheddar, or yuk Velveeta. Her white cheese version was my favorite.

Did we have the same mother?{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: Did your mom have a signature dish or something she made especially well?

My Mom made the best vegetable beef soup ever! When I was a kid and came home from school on a cold day, opened the door and smelled that soup...oh boy! She never measured anything, but I learned to make it and I don't measure either. When my son was young, he balked at almost any kind of vegetable, but he would eat them in my Mom's soup--he still loves me to make it, although she's been gone for 27 years.