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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?

@shoekitty It's so sweet you remember that adorable aunt in such a way. 

You can put a set together through replacements. 


The apple pattern was from 1040.

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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?

@shoekitty wrote:


I edited my last post to include a few thoughts. I forgot to add ETA

@shoekitty There is also a slight difference between two locations of origin. 

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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?



1940 sounds about right.  I am almost 72, and I remember sitting at her table at 5 thinking I was in a princess home.  Lol.  We didnt have plates that matched at home, or silverware that matched.  Later on we did for company, but at a young age I remember thinking how beautiful it was just to eat.  Lol

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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?

[ Edited ]

@shoekitty Your memories are from a very observant little girl.  How adorable.   I was the same way at my dad's parent's house which I loved.


Years and years later, after they had passed,  I was eating at my aunt's.   I was using the spoon to serve myself and I KNEW the feeling of that spoon in the psalm of my hand.  It was my grandmother's.  I recognized it immediately. 

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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?

No,I never had an interest in doing that.

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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?

I did register back in 1970....and it was a big mistake on my part.....a future of bad feelings between my new MIL and my dear mother. The marriage ended in divorce and I hated that blasted china, crystal and silver that my MIL thought was great and my mom had no part of - I hadn't learned to voice my opinion back then.


Beautiful china and crystal is so lovely if you're able to use it more than once a year, but for me it had bad memories and my mother's china/crystal unfortunately had to be sold. For those of you who still have yours and use it, good for you! 

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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?

I have inherited 4  sets of china and bought  4 sets my army supply of everyday Fiestaware.  I have no room anymore.  No one wants it.  Although valuable a few years ago, the bottom seems to fallen out of the china dept, lol.  I have sense come to this conclusion.  USE IT!! Don't save it for special.  Special never or rarely comes.  Use it, enjoy it everyday. Next hear we will be doing a kitchen remodel and I am rearranging dishes andsilverware.  I am going to donate, sell and keep sets.  I am going to quit using paper plates at the Christmas buffet Starting this hear.  If It is broken, so be it.  Family is special and it does nothing in cupboards.  One set is about 100 years old.

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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?

I had zero interest in sterling silver and china, so no, I didn't register for either.


No regrets;

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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?

Yes I registered for Mikasa White Silk.  It's an all white bone china with a scalloped design around the edge.  I liked the idea of all white since I could change out tablecloths and any accessories to give my table a different mood & look .


I also registered for a Lenox etched stemware collection that's now discontinued and I rarely use it.


For everyday I've been using Fiestaware.

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Re: Did You Register For Sterling Silver and China When you Were Getting Married?

I am Italian.  In my family and circle of friends we do not register for wedding gifts.


Everyone gives cash.