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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

Our local stores no longer take any printed internet coupons. People were trying to use those plus the coupons from the paper on one item.

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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

when I was younger I used coupons all the time but never to the extreme that the people on this show are....they seem to be hoarders....why would you ever need 75 bottles of fabric softener? I rarely buy anything that coupons are for now...seems to mostly just see coupons for processed food, etc. that I don't buy anyway. I use $1.00 or more coupons if I happen to see them for something that I would be buying anyway.....but the people on this show seem to really have some personal problems they are attempting to fix by their behavior on the show.

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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

For a while I couldn't find Sunday papers at the store. Turns out, the have to keep the papers behind the counter because the coupons were being stolen.
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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

Send 'em to Washington they can cut the fat up there, trim down the debt ceiling, etc. show them how to use coupons save us taxpayers money ! yeah, right..........

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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

I remember in the late 60's Lucky's supermarket would take all the coupons you had (provided they sold the item) and discount it against your grocery purchase. You didn;t even have to buy the item the coupon was for. Back then I think I spent 15.00 a week in groceries. I did this a couple times, but sort of got embarrassed and quit. Hahaha. I clipped about 17.00 dollars worth of coupons one time (took me a weeks) took them to Lucky bought 18.00 bucks worth of food, handed them my coupons and paid the extra 1.00. I don't like doing those things now though. I use a coupon here and there. Usually I get the Raleys (Nob Hill ) ads online and they have some darn good values and a few free items. You don't even have to print them. You check the ones you want online, and when you go in and check out they credit you. I am way on overload to take the time to be a good couponer now days. But as long as it is not greed and hoarding (like Chickenbutt said) I say go for it. We need to do what we need to do. There are those who really enjoy it too, and it is fun.

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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

I think the folks on these shows need mental help! Who needs so much of one item? Items will expire before being able to be used! One show detailed how to get the most out of Black Friday sales & a group were donating the items to needy families. Maybe the people buying 25 bottles of laundry detergent should consider donating some!

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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

The problem with this extreme couponing is that in the end we all pay for those who do this in higher prices.
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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

On 1/20/2014 sidsmom said:

The older I get, the more I buy in to this sensibility:

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”

It kills me to see all that plastic being generated. They have a "deal" for small tubes of toothpaste, when it would be less plastic & packaging for a larger tube. And all that Gatorade & processed food....gross. At first I admired those folks, but the more I watched, logic began sinking in. Ever so often you'll see them donating their loot to a food bank or church, but the majority of those folks are just hoarders. It's just an addiction guised in a "saving money" ruse.

I so LOVE this!!! And my question about couponing is this--I don't ever buy any processed foods or products anymore and that is what the majority of the coupons are for. I may clip a few for paper products or bleach or laundry soap, but never for so called "food" in boxes or mixes. Now my Wed circulars contain coupons that I use more often than not. And great that some of these people donate alot but they are donating horrible, processed cr(a)p that no one should eat. But then if they donate personal health items that is great.

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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

I don't consider myself an "extreme" couponer but I love couponing. I won't buy items I don't need just because I can get them for free or nearly free. I don't buy multiple items. I do the best with CVS with their reward bucks and redbox coupons etc.

Yesterday I went to CVS and got $41.30 worth of items and spent $1.43 (including tax) and then got $6 in reward bucks back. The checkout clerk said "Wow! We paid you to shop here!". In that purchase I got Softsoap body washes (2), Lady Speed Stick deodorant (4), Chex mix (4) and Palmolive dish soap (2) (10oz) . Not bad! My savings was about 96%!

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Re: Any extreme couponers out there? I'm floored by this show!

Not anywhere close to being an "extreme" couponer. In fact, after multiple attempts over the years to clip & use coupons, I've pretty much given up because it was just taking up too much time & effort. Now I go online to my regular grocer, download electronic coupons & shop accordingly. No more trying to keep track of all those little slips of paper, expiration dates, etc. However, I can certainly see where it would make sense for people who buy in larger quantities than I.