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Posts: 370
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Welcome Pamula,

Glad to have you join the conversation.  Good luck with DH. I'm sure you deserve

a new piece.  What color did you buy in the bracelet?  Was fun watching the Live

show this morning  - must be nice to be able to see all the pieces before the show

in person.

Super Contributor
Posts: 394
Registered: ‎11-05-2010

Yea, for sure... I have been to her NYC store and bought earrings once, but it would also be nice to go up when she has a party.  I guess we are going to have to start a new BG bench because I have really been bad on this visit....!!!

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Posts: 394
Registered: ‎11-05-2010

oh, I bought my Mom the silver and I bought the rose... and I'm on advanced order for the silver for July 30th.  I have one of the smokey quartz heart charm bracelest from a long time ago, but I think these bracelets have a clean, modern look...And The Price!!! And EP!!!  See you girls for tonight's show!!!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 12,415
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Yah, where the H E double toothpicks is everyone??? Did they go to the dark side/Facebook???? I have the athena watch in my cart....something easy for go with the RG and YG tsv's.....
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,420
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I wonder if the new forum change (before they gave us this subforum back) encouraged more to bail and land primarily in Facebook.  I don't do Facebook either and miss the chats here, all the excitement before and during the shows.  Maybe some of our flock eventually will come back.


I wasn't able to watch the shows today due to work, but I hope all of you were able to pick up a treasure or two....there's much temptation! 

Super Contributor
Posts: 2,186
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Me too and hope to do better in the future.


Super Contributor
Posts: 370
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Thanks for coming and joining in the conversation Sammycat & Kaplan.  Nice

to see some familiar names posting.  Hope you enjoyed the shows and love

your new goodies when they arrive.Smiley Happy

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,287
Registered: ‎05-16-2013
Hello kiwi55, I too miss being here and miss the conversations during the shows. I hope the Ripka sisters return and this forum gets some semblance of old times. I watched a couple of shows this past visit and bought some beautiful Ripka jewelry and hope to review here when I get my goodies.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 639
Registered: ‎07-01-2011

It's nice to see so many familiar "faces" in this thread, folks.  I miss the former format of the Forum and hope we'll slowly build our sub-forum to resemble the previous one.  Regards to all!

Super Contributor
Posts: 370
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Yes!  Two more Ripkanista sisters have joined us, Anisha & Dallas Dame.

Great to hear from both of you.  Looking forward to reviews.