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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

No one is begrudging Lisa for spending her hard earned money on expensive things, what rubs certain viewers is her flaunting on air.
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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

On 6/3/2014 3star said: No one is begrudging Lisa for spending her hard earned money on expensive things, what rubs certain viewers is her flaunting on air.

Which seems to be saying that if she's simply wearing it, she's flaunting it... I guess some folks see what they want to see. Personally, I guess I define 'flaunting' a little differently.

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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

On 6/3/2014 Nighthawks said:
On 6/3/2014 colliegirls said:

Here are my thoughts on this. As a social worker, I have never worn any jewelry other than my wedding band when working. Most of the families I work with struggle financially, there is no reason to flash material goods, its very off putting for some. I want them to concentrate on what what we are saying and doing, not what jewelry I am wearing. Lisa works for QVC, many or most viewers are likely middle or fixed income, again, no reason to flaunt her success and material goods in their faces. We all can proudly wear what ever we own any place else in our private lives, but sometimes the workplace is not the appropriate arena.

Hogwash. Lisa works in retail, not one on one with poor people. She can wear whatever she wants and so could you if you wanted to. I really can't understand why anyone has a problem with what she wears or even cares. So what? Will anyone stop shopping at QVC because she owns an expensive watch? Has it altered anyone's life in any way? Why does anyone care? Seriously.


All right, so I might've been a little less blunt, but Nighthawks, you cracked me up and I agree with you completely. This is a non-issue that some want to make into an issue, probably primarily because it involves Lisa.

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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

On 6/3/2014 stevieb said:
On 6/3/2014 3star said: No one is begrudging Lisa for spending her hard earned money on expensive things, what rubs certain viewers is her flaunting on air.

Which seems to be saying that if she's simply wearing it, she's flaunting it... I guess some folks see what they want to see. Personally, I guess I define 'flaunting' a little differently.

Exactly. I'm guessing some of the people complaining are quite proud to wear their Judith Ripka jewelry and Dooney Handbags in know, where there are people who can't afford such things.
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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

OK, I'm not being mean but I'll bet you will see a GILI version of that watch. I think maybe that's why she was wearing it.

I have to wonder if Donald Trump even wears a watch that costs that much.

I would think Lisa is smarter than that.

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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

It's none of anyone's business what watch Lisa wears.

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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

I get that it's fun to wonder, so I have nothing against the question from the OP. But after reading some of the messages on this thread, I must say that if I were Lisa, I would probably wear the most expensive items I could on-air, on-purpose, just to get some of these people all riled up for the fun of it. {}

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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

It's none of anyone's business on some level;yet anything she wears,eats,uses,and sells is if interest to many viewers. That is what makes her such a good salesperson. Her Facebook(from what is said on these boards) is full of viewers a asking about a t-shirt,workout,decorating her home. So why would people not ask about a watch? So when it is a watch that costs $40-55,000 it is going to be discussed even more. The rub is that her sales pitch is about not being able, or not wanting,to buy uber expensive things. It comes across wrong to many viewers. Of course they have a right to comment about how they feel...just as her defenders do. She (and QVC)counts on the average shopper being able to relate to her and trust her. She counts on people being interested in her every move. So the other side is that it seems inauthentic as I say,not as I do.

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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

Oh, come on ........

Based on the amount of Judith Ripka jewelry and Dooney handbags QVC sells, they aren't marketing to "poor people". {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

For the record, just HOW much is "too expensive" a watch for any host to wear on their shows? Five hundred dollars? ....... Two thousand? ....... What if the watch was a gift and looks cheap ... would THAT be okay?

What if it's an expensive watch they inherited from a grandparent? ..... Would THAT be okay? {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: Did anyone see Lisa's watch Fri. and Sat.?

On 6/3/2014 birkin baby said:

It's none of anyone's business on some level;yet anything she wears,eats,uses,and sells is if interest to many viewers. That is what makes her such a good salesperson. Her Facebook(from what is said on these boards) is full of viewers a asking about a t-shirt,workout,decorating her home. So why would people not ask about a watch? So when it is a watch that costs $40-55,000 it is going to be discussed even more. The rub is that her sales pitch is about not being able, or not wanting,to buy uber expensive things. It comes across wrong to many viewers. Of course they have a right to comment about how they feel...just as her defenders do. She (and QVC)counts on the average shopper being able to relate to her and trust her. She counts on people being interested in her every move. So the other side is that it seems inauthentic as I say,not as I do.

I have to agree with birkin baby on this one. This host LR very much likes to flaunt what she has! She will make sure her expensive watch gets shown in as many camera shots as possible. She WANTS to be noticed. I truly believe it's an insecurity issue with this woman.

Sure, while the other hosts like Jill, Shawn & Leah also wear their own Cartier watches, they certainly DO NOT make sure you see it. Jill's Cartier is all stainless, whereas Shawn's & Leah's look to be the same two-tone Cartier tank. While their watches are nice, those certainly are NOT $40,000 watches. (Max for theirs about $7,000 give or take and that's for brand new!) Lisa likes to upstage everybody. I believe she also owns a 18K Cartier Roadster watch too.

I don't think people bother to read all the replies because it's been said several times now that Lisa HERSELF admitted to purchasing her own watches and they are not gifts!! According to Lisa, they are pre-owned but she still set out her own money to pay for them.

And I agree with those who stated it's all about the sales pitch. Lisa likes to continuously make the viewer think she is "one of us" just momentarily for the sale and then as soon as her shift is over she's back the next time to wearing her most expensive items that she owns on the air. Why must she purchase the high-end version of her GILI items? Can she not show the manufacturing team a photo of something she likes and then do a remake for GILI. It's been said Lisa likes to wear what most people can't afford. She really seems to like the fuss people make out of her. It's apparent by her FB postings. She's an interesting gal, but very insecure. (no one should have to feel intimated by walking into a particular store. Lisa will say this is when she will wear pieces to show she has a right to be there too.) Just own who you are and be confident in your own skin! Life is not all about money and status!! Money has wings and can be taken away in the blink of an eye with unexpected circumstances that could arise.