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Posts: 112
Registered: ‎05-06-2014

Valerie's ribbed glass lantern H 204582

Does anyone who has this lantern know what size candle you can put in it?  I do not like twinkling lights and would want a steady glow.  I also wondered if anyone knows where you can buy micro lights that would be stiff enough to put inside and get thesteady glow that way.  Thanks

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Re: Valerie's ribbed glass lantern H 204582

I have this in ocean & I love it.  A 7" flameless candle would be the best as it is 10 1/2" tall.  You wouldn't be able to use the lid; the light/battery box is all attached.  I happen to love the light effect of this piece.  It is not a twinkle; it is a soft fading effect.  Most micro lights would be stiff enough.  I have a few from different vendors & they all would work.  

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Posts: 112
Registered: ‎05-06-2014

Re: Valerie's ribbed glass lantern H 204582

Thank-you so much for taking the time to measure and give suggestions.  I think I will try a set in the silver.