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I've been going back & forth on purchasing a set of packing cubes. Have narrowed it down to the E-Bags brand in the medium size. I even cut out cardboard templates of each size so that I'd be able to see how they would fit in my suitcase. The E-Bags brand gets terrific reviews & I've read how other people use them. Just wondered if you ladies are using them & loving them. Thanks for any & all responses & have a wonderful evening.

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Re: Do you use packing cubes?

[ Edited ]

I've used them for years, but I like the smaller ones the best.


You know how when you are traveling or even staying somewhere and working out of your suitcase?  As you plow around looking for things, your undies, socks, bras get all scrambled up with other things and become hard to find.  I put my undies, bras and socks in the smaller sized zipper cases, and it helps so much to keep those things all together.  The big one for shoes is nice because shoes are dirty to put in the suitcase. (Of course you could use a plastic bag.)  I have not used the big size, like for jeans, shirts or bigger clothing, but I probably should try that.  Those items don't seem to get disorganized like underwear.  The zipper bags do not seem to make you feel like they add bulk to your suitcase.  They are thin and lightweight (but strong and durable).  If you travel, I think you would like them.  (I got the ebags too.)


I just measured the size I like for undies, etc.  It's about 14" across.  Is that the medium?


The number of medium bags I use depends on where I'm going.  If I have to take thermal underwear, socks, etc. I might need to use two.  They also work to keep a swimsuit from floating around.



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Re: Do you use packing cubes?

[ Edited ]

Used them a long time. And from Ebags.  I pack one suitcase and one garment bag when we travel.  And also one duffle (Vera Bradley).  This is for two of us, hubby and me.  In the packing cubes, I use one for my undies, and one for his. And one for our pajamas.  One for swimwear if we are going to need it. This goes in our suitcase.  In the duffle I organize and by catagory depending on where we are going or what we are doing, each bag has a theme, such as jewelry, or square dance items, or electronics.  That way I never have to look for anything.  In any case the color blue is for him and red for me and yellow is neutral.  Never a problem finding anything.  I do have sleeves for shoes.  


My advice try them.  So many new colors that I did not have when I started.  And they are durable.  

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Re: Do you use packing cubes?

I did a lot of research before I bought my packing cubes from e-bags in November when I flew to Florida.  Best decision I ever made.  They are fabulous and I plan on using them for vacations up north this summer.


I bought all three sizes and also the one for shoes that is lined with a water proof material.  I used the shoe one for cosmetic items, lotions, etc. that I could not put in my carry on.  I was surprised how much they hold and keeps your clothes and items in order and no more messy suitcases.


Also,  if you are an unlucky person and TSA searches your bags your won't have them touching your under things and other irems.  They can pretty much see what's in the cubes and your bag won't be a big mess when they are done.




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Re: Do you use packing cubes?

I use packing cubes and envelopes.  I get them at REI so I'm not sure of the brands I have. 


Once you've had TSA go through your stuff, you realize the value of these things ;o)


It makes it easy to organize my suitcase as I put work clothes in one set of envelopes and non-work clothes in another set and eventually one set becomes dirty clothes and one clean clothes.  I like the cubes for shoes and bathroom stuff.


I have a lot of different shapes and sizes.


I think it makes unpacking really easy as I can bring my suitcase in the house and bring the envelopes with dirty clothes downstairs, clean clothes upstairs and bathroom cubes into the bathroom.


QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Do you use packing cubes?

I had never heard of packing cubes, so went to Youtube to see what it was all about.


I'm the queen of loving organization, and will admit that we don't travel very often. When we do, my goal is as few bags as necessary, and I always believe in at least one extra day's clothing in case of any delays or 'accidents' that may require extra clean or dry clothing. Usually I pack for three people in one suitcase.


And with the exception of a good leak proof way to carry toiletries (and something to contain previously worn shoes, but a simple plastic bag will do that), I don't see the value in these.


They do make things all organized and pretty (and I do love organized and pretty!!), but they are taking up valuable real estate in the suitcase. 


This is something I would only use (and not really want to invest in or store) if I was traveling alone, or had a lot of extra space in the suitcase for some reason.


I am glad to know about these, should I ever see the need, so thanks for posting about something I had no idea even existed.

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Re: Do you use packing cubes?

Nice for organizing, but be careful with extra weight, especially if flying.  It's deceiving how much you can fit in a suitcase, but it still weighs the same.  Even if not flying, you still have to lift the suitcase into the car.  

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Re: Do you use packing cubes?

I use packing cubes on all my trips. I like the small and medium sizes best. My categories are: Underwear / Bras / socks; exercise gear; swimming if applicable; T-Shirts / Tank Tops. The in the large one go bulkier tops. To pack pants I use the bundle technique putting them in the suitcase first alternating their direction, letting the legs hang over the suitcase. Then I put in the packing cubes, toletries etc. At the end I fold the pant legs over the everything. Prevents creasing.

Have a great trip, and Safe Travels!

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Re: Do you use packing cubes?

I tried some from Eagle Creek years ago and found that they weren't that helpful for me.  I can pack for two weeks in a roll-aboard without cubes.  Zip lock plastic bags work just fine for items that need to be in a waterproof container.  Perhaps if I were checking a bag or packing for more than one person, the cubes might be more useful.

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Re: Do you use packing cubes?

Yes I do, works very well

A good substitute are those plastic zip cases sheet sets come in.  I had saved some and use those as well.